What Questions Should I Ask Optimum When Shopping for an Internet Provider?

Make sure to get all the details necessary before you commit to a service provider. Ask for speeds options and their guarantees, inquire about the installation process, including all the additional fees you may incur. It is also important to inquire about the company's support to avoid being stranded when there is a connection or technical equipment.

When you are shopping for an internet service provider, make sure to get the best service. To guarantee quality service, you can ask Optimum for more details involving their service. You can get informed on the expected speeds, technical support, and additional fees, among others. Below are the questions you should get answers to from Optimum.

Are There Data Limits?

Internet service providers may have data limits, which are restrictions placed on your usage. Not all internet providers invoke a data limit in their packages. There are two types of data limits, hard and soft. Hard data limits mean that you are cut off for the rest of the month after you have used a set limit. On the other side, soft limits indicate that you can continue using your internet connection even after exceeding the data limit, albeit at a slower speed. But lucky for you, Optimum does not have a data cap.

Are Speeds Guaranteed?

Inquire on the reliability of the speeds on offer. Many providers will not guarantee the speeds they advertise, but you should get something very close to that. Sometimes equipment may malfunction, or too many people may be connected at once. You can contact Optimum in case you start experiencing slower speeds.

What Are My Speed Options?

To choose your speeds more accurately, you have to consider the type of work you have and the data needs you want to satisfy. When shopping, be keen to find out if the internet service provider indeed has the speeds you want. A good reference is 5Mbps recommended for HD video streaming on Netflix. Use that as a benchmark to find your sweet spot. Optimum has 300, 500 and 1,000 Mbps speed options, so you can decide which one suits you depending on your gaming and streaming needs and the number of devices.

Who Will Do the Installation?

Get installation details to find the cost and the duration of the installation. Typically installations with Optimum may take 3 to 4 business days, but the time may be much shorter depending on your location. Inquire to see how much you will need to pay. Some internet providers such as Optimum allow for self-installation with a complete guide on how to go about it. You also get to save money when you conduct the installation yourself.

How Will My Problems Be Resolved?

Due to technical fault or equipment failure, internet issues are bound to occur. Inquire about the technical support nearest to your location in case of a problem. The technological advancement in this era calls for real-time online support. You can get in touch with Optimum on the company's webpage and get access to specialists working to resolve your problems.

Do I Get a Contract?

Optimum does not tie you down to an annual contract. Instead, you can get a 30-day money-back guarantee so that you can out anytime you feel you are not satisfied. It is good to inquire about contracts to determine whether there are incentives such as reduced monthly rates when you commit to a long contract. The contract will also shed light on cancellation fees if you decide to opt out.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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