How do I get a refund from Mercari?

If you need to get a refund from Mercari, we can help guide you through the process. Here's everything that you need to know to get your order refunded as fast as possible.

Jul 19, 2019

You can ask Mercari for a refund but it's subject to certain terms and conditions. All sales are final on Mercari three days after delivery or after you rate the seller. This is often a widely misunderstood concept by customers on Mercari. It is paramount that you do not rate a seller until you have confirmed that the item you have received is indeed the item you ordered and it is in good working condition. If you rate a seller without making this confirmation, you relinquish any chance of receiving a refund.

You can return an item on Mercari for several reasons. One of the reasons to return an item and request a refund is if the item is not as described. If an item was listed on Mercari as new, but the item delivered is used or broken, you should return it for a refund. You should also return the item if it has any sort of damage that was undisclosed until delivery. The damage may be a small crack or a large hole but the item should be returned regardless. If the item you ordered is not the item you received or if the item is missing one or several parts, you have the right to return the item and ask for a refund.

There are several reasons why some customers return items on Mercari but do not warrant a refund. One of them is if the item's measurements are off. Unless the item's measurements were specifically listed alongside the item and do not match the item received, you cannot request a refund. Moreover, you have to provide picture or video proof that the measurements do not match. You also cannot return an item on Mercari simply because you changed your mind. Be completely sure of your choice before you begin the purchase process because unless the item matches any of the criteria above, you will be liable for your mistakes.

To return an item on Mercari, follow these steps:

1. Launch your web browser and open the Mercari website

2. Contact the seller as soon as possible. Do this out of respect and so that the seller knows why you haven't rated them yet. It's easy to return things through Mercari but it can take up to several days for the process to be completed

3. Copy and paste the ID number of the item that you want to return to Mercari

4. Go to the 'Help Center' and select 'Contact Us'

5. Click 'Return Request' and then select 'Start New Conversation'

6. Paste your item ID and explain why you are putting in a return request

7. Take clear photos of the item you received and then click 'Send'

8. Patiently await a response from Mercari.

You can also request a refund from Mercari through the mobile app by following these steps:

  1. Open the Mercari app
  2. Click the person icon, then select 'Help Center'
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'Contact Us' tab
  4. You will be directed to a page with a headline 'What do you need help with?' Below there will be several options. Click on 'Returns'
  5. You will be asked 'Which item is this about?' Select 'Buying' from the top, then click the item you want to return.

You will have to submit at least 4 photos of the item you are returning but more is recommended. The photos should be clear and include as much detail as possible. Patience is paramount as it might take a while but Mercari will get back to you. The refund usually takes 5 days. If you encounter any trouble with the process or simply want to bypass the above process you can call the customer service department. Their number can be obtained from GetHuman.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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