How Do I Close My Account on

Learn how to close your account to effectively manage your digital presence. Safeguard your assets, complete essential steps, and adhere to security measures during the account deletion process.

Aug 30, 2023

Managing your account is an essential part of maintaining your digital footprint. If you've created an account and are no longer interested in its services, you may wonder how to close it and unsubscribe from emails. Deleting your account means permanently losing access to any assets, transaction history and associated services.

Ensure you have a backup of important information or transactions before proceeding. Learn how to close your account below.

1. Clear Out the Remaining Funds

If your account holds any digital assets, transfer them to a secure wallet or another platform. This step prevents accidental loss of funds during the account deletion process.

2. Log Into Your Account

To initiate the deletion process, log into your account using your credentials. Navigate to the account settings section, which you can find in the user dashboard or profile section.

3. Locate the Account Deletion Option

Search for the option related to account deletion. You may find it as "Close Account," "Delete Account," or something similar. Clicking on this option will initiate the account closure process.

4. Verify Your Decision

Before proceeding, the platform might prompt you to confirm your decision to delete your account. This is a crucial security step to prevent accidental account closures. Double-check your decision and proceed only if you're certain.

5. Complete Any Additional Requirements may require you to fulfill certain conditions before allowing you to delete your account. These could include clearing any outstanding dues or completing verification processes. Ensure you meet these requirements to proceed smoothly.

6. Two-Factor Authentication

If you've enabled two-factor authentication (2FA), you may need to disable it before deleting the account. This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized account closures.

7. Review Terms and Conditions

Before finalizing your decision, review the terms and conditions related to account deletion on the platform. It's essential to understand any potential consequences or actions that might occur as a result of account closure.

8. Initiate Account Deletion

Proceed to initiate the account deletion process. This may involve clicking a confirmation link that sent to your registered email address or verifying your identity through other means.

9. Confirm the Deletion Request may send you a confirmation email or notification. Follow the instructions to confirm your intention to delete the account.

10. Wait for the Processing

Account deletion requests can take some time to process. During this period, your account may be inaccessible, and you might receive notifications regarding the status of your request. Be patient and refrain from attempting to log in during this time.

11. Account Deletion Confirmation

You'll receive a final confirmation of your account deletion. This usually involves an email notification or a message from Bitcoin will permanently remove your account data from the platform's databases.

12. Monitor Your Email

Even after the account deletion, it's advisable to keep an eye on your email account for messages associated with This is to ensure that you're aware of any updates, notifications or potential account-related issues that might arise.

Streamlining Your Wallets With the Wallet App

The Wallet app offers a convenient way to handle multiple wallets. By selecting the asset type, choosing the wallet, accessing the wallet info screen and utilizing the hamburger menu, you can easily delete the wallet you no longer need. Need help closing your account with Get in touch today.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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Asked a year ago
Updated a year ago
Viewed 545,413 times account closure
Delete account
Closing digital assets account
Account deletion process account management
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