How do I get a human rep at this Kayak phone number?
A:You cannot speak to real human being at this phone number. We recommend looking at their main customer service phone number and other contact information by clicking the link below.
Is this number working 24 hours?
A:This phone number works around the clock, but that's because it is just recordings. See below for more information about what those recordings say. And alternative ways to contact Kayak.
This is the #2 most popular Kayak phone number out of 2. And nobody answers this number either. Click above to go back to the main customer service number and other contact information, including Kayak email addresses, twitter handles, and live chat options.
Can I get through to a real live person at this number?
Even though this Kayak number does not get you to a call center manned by actual human beings, GetHuman researchers still call it regularly to document the phone system.
This phone number is all recordings. When our research team calls it, we still take notes about any important changes or information so that you don't have to call to find out yourself. Here is their latest summary:Customer Service voicemail
Here is how our research team describes the way the Kayak phone system greets you: Please tell me why you are calling today?