Unemployment Office Maryland Customer FAQ

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What is Unemployment Office Maryland's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Unemployment Office Maryland customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What are the different ways I can file for unemployment benefits in Maryland?

There are three main ways to file for unemployment benefits in Maryland. The first method is by applying online through the Maryland...
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Recent Unemployment Office Maryland Customer Questions

I want to file a weekly certification, but there is no link on my Beacon page.

If there's no link to file a weekly certification on your BEACON page, it could be due to one of a few reasons. You may not be eligible to certify until Sunday of each week, so the link may not appear until then. Your eligibility may also be under review, which could prevent the link from appearing. If none of these reasons apply to you, it could just be a technical issue. Make sure you're using a compatible browser and clear your cache and cookies. Try logging out and back in; the link may appear then.
Asked Apr 2, 2024 2:54 PM

Help me with my Unemployment Office Maryland customer service issue

Checking Benefits

How Do I Check My Unemployment Benefits with the Unemployment Office Maryland?

You can file for unemployment benefits when you lose your job in the state of Maryland with the department of Labor, Licensing and...

How Do I Check the Status of My Unemployment Claim with the Unemployment Office Maryland?

This article explains the process of checking your unemployment benefits claim status. If you have recently applied for unemployment...

Applying for Benefits

How Do I Apply for Unemployment Benefits with the Unemployment Office Maryland?

If you are in the position of needing to apply for Maryland unemployment benefits, we are going to help you. You must quickly file...

Claiming Benefits

How Do I Claim Unemployment Benefits with the Unemployment Office Maryland?

This article explains how you can apply for unemployment benefits through the Texas Workforce Commission. If you have recently become...

Timeline of Benefits

How long does it take to receive unemployment benefits after filing a claim?

The timeframe for receiving unemployment benefits after filing a claim in Maryland varies. Generally, it takes around two to three...

Maximum Benefits Amount

What is the maximum amount of unemployment benefits I can receive in Maryland?

The maximum amount of unemployment benefits an individual can receive in Maryland is determined by their past wages. Currently, eligible...

Part-time Work

Can I work part-time and still receive unemployment benefits in Maryland?

Yes, you can work part-time and still receive unemployment benefits in Maryland. However, the amount you earn from your part-time job...

Filing Frequency

How often do I need to file for unemployment benefits in Maryland?

In Maryland, you must file for unemployment benefits on a weekly basis. It is important to file your claim every week and continue...

Quitting Job

Can I receive unemployment benefits if I quit my job?

No, if you voluntarily quit your job, you are typically not eligible for unemployment benefits in Maryland. Unemployment insurance...

Eligibility Criteria

What is the eligibility criteria to receive unemployment benefits in Maryland?

To be eligible for unemployment benefits in Maryland, you must meet certain criteria. Firstly, you must have lost your job through...

Duration of Benefits

What is the maximum duration for receiving unemployment benefits in Maryland?

The maximum duration for receiving unemployment benefits in Maryland is typically 26 weeks. However, during periods of high unemployment...

Job Search Requirement

Do I need to be actively searching for a job while receiving unemployment benefits in Maryland?

Yes, in order to continue receiving unemployment benefits in Maryland, you are required to actively search for suitable employment...

Self-Employed Eligibility

Can I receive unemployment benefits if I am self-employed?

No, self-employed individuals typically do not qualify for unemployment benefits in Maryland. Unemployment insurance is generally extended...

Filing Options

What are the different ways I can file for unemployment benefits in Maryland?

There are three main ways to file for unemployment benefits in Maryland. The first method is by applying online through the Maryland...
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