Vision Services Plan Customer FAQ

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What is Vision Services Plan's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Vision Services Plan customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What happens if I need additional vision services that are not covered by VSP?

If you require additional vision services that are not covered by VSP, you will be responsible for the cost of those services. VSP...
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What is the process for submitting a claim?

To submit a claim to Vision Services Plan, you will need to gather any relevant receipts or invoices from your vision care provider....

How long does it take to receive reimbursement for a claim?

The time it takes to receive reimbursement for a claim depends on several factors. Once VSP receives all the necessary claim information,...

Vision Services Plan

What is Vision Services Plan (VSP)?

Vision Services Plan (VSP) is a leading eye care insurance provider that offers comprehensive vision benefits to individuals and families....

How does VSP work?

VSP, or Vision Service Plan, works by providing comprehensive vision care benefits to its members. When you become a VSP member, you...


What vision services are covered by VSP?

VSP covers a wide range of vision services to meet the needs of its members. These services include comprehensive eye exams, which...

Can I use my VSP benefits to purchase contact lenses or glasses online?

Yes, VSP benefits can be used to purchase contact lenses or glasses online. VSP has partnered with various online retailers to offer...


What is the difference between in-network and out-of-network providers?

The difference between in-network and out-of-network providers lies in the coverage and costs associated with each option. In-network...


What should I bring to my appointment?

When attending your Vision Services Plan appointment, there are a few essential items you should bring along to ensure a smooth process....


Can I transfer my VSP benefits to a family member?

No, VSP benefits cannot be transferred to a family member. Each individual covered under the VSP plan is entitled to their own set...

Additional Services

What happens if I need additional vision services that are not covered by VSP?

If you require additional vision services that are not covered by VSP, you will be responsible for the cost of those services. VSP...

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