How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile?

In a nutshell: Tile is a company that produces tracking devices for finding lost items. If you have any problems with tracking your order or issues with the Tile app, you can contact their technical support. To do so, visit the Tile website, log into your account, open the Help Center, select "Troubleshooting," choose "Trackers & App," troubleshoot Tile in the Life 360 app, follow the troubleshooting instructions, click "Chat With Us," and select "Tile." Tile aims to provide quality products and a positive user experience, so don't hesitate to seek their support.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jan 22, 2024


Tile produces tracking devices you can attach to your belongings. Attaching a tracker allows you to find your things using a free Tile app on Apple or Android devices. Their technologies work by linking devices with a companion mobile app. If you’ve made an order using Tile but have problems tracking your order, or if you’re experiencing a Tile functionality issue, contact support. Follow these steps to get technical support from Tile.

Visit the Tile Website

Browse the Tile website to access the company’s webpage.

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 1)

Log Into Your Account

After accessing the Tile website homepage, log into your account. Click the “Log In” icon to access the account login page.

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 2)

Open the Help Center

After logging into your account, you must get to the help center. The “Help Center” button is located in the support section at the lower section of your account dashboard. Find the “Support” section and click the “Help Center” button below it.

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 3)

Select “Troubleshooting”

Clicking the “Help Center” button opens a support page where Tile provides helpful resources to help clients. This page allows you to access the Tile Store and the Jiobit Store. It provides a list of various topics to help sort out common issues that the community has experienced. Previous clients who have managed to sort out issues with the Tile services post their solutions to help guide others. For issues with your orders, tracker, or application, click “Troubleshooting.”

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 4)

Select “Trackers & App”

The Tile support troubleshooting page offers numerous troubleshooting options. You can troubleshoot orders, non-EU and EU orders and shipping, and trackers & app. Select the “Trackers & App” option to access their troubleshooting resources.

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 5)

Troubleshoot Tile in the Life 360 App

The trackers & app section contains several articles about handling technical issues. Some options offered include:Receiving a notification saying “Tile Needs Your Attention.” Troubleshooting Tile in the Life360 appTile smart alerts failing to workDifficulty changing Tile account email addressTile being disabled on iOSTile being unable to locate your phoneThere are more articles to offer support in various other cases. For this case, click “Troubleshooting Tile in the Life 360 App.”

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 6)

Follow the Troubleshooting Instructions

The Life360 app troubleshooting page provides instructions for troubleshooting on iOS and Android devices. These instructions apply if your Tile account is active and linked to the 360 Life account. If you’re using an Apple device, tap “Settings” on the home screen. Scroll down the menu options and select Life360. Finally, turn the Bluetooth connectivity feature on.

For Android devices, open your device settings, and select “Apps.” Scroll to the lower section of the page and select Life360. Tap “Permissions,” “Bluetooth,” and click “Allow.”

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 7)

Click “Chat With Us”

If you go through the article resources but still need more help, contact the Tile customer support team. The platform provides access to a live chatbot to help with your issue. Click the “Chat With Us” button to access the chatbot support.

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 8)

Select “Tile”

On the support chat bubble, you choose “Tile” to access technical support.

How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile? (Step 9)


Tile prioritizes the convenience of its clients by offering quality products and striving for a positive user experience. If you encounter any issue on the Tile platform, you can access technical support through the mentioned steps. Don’t let a system malfunction or a delayed order ruin your experience, get quality support.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Get Technical Support from Tile?

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Asked 5 years ago
Updated 6 months ago
Viewed 3,952,609 times
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Tile online support
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Technical Support
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