How Do I Check My Voicemail with Straight Talk?

You can enable your voicemail with Straight Talk by following the instructions given above. The instructions are simple and the process takes a few minutes to finish. Having a voicemail on your Straight Talk phone is important for many reasons stated above. Contact Straight Talk customer support for any clarifications or further assistance.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 28, 2020

Sometimes you are unable to access your voicemail with Straight Talk. Well, there are many reasons why that can be so. Part of the reason may be because you are entering the number wrongly. In case the phone has a prepaid menu, you can just press the I button and hold from your main screen. The phone automatically calls the voicemail box. Once your call is connected, you can follow the voice prompts to listen to your voicemail.

In case you have an android phone just tap that phone icon. Press the I key and hold it. The phone will automatically call the voicemail box. Once the call is connected you can go ahead and follow the voice prompts to listen to the voicemail messages.

Other Straight Talk phone models are easy to manage too. Simply use the dial-pad and key in *86 and press the call button or send depending on the type of phone you are using. You will hear greetings, proceed to press # key and enter your pass-code. Follow the instructions to listen to your voicemail messages.

To end your voicemail call, simply tap the End icon. To return to your main screen, just press the home key button.

How Do I Restart Voicemail on My Straight Talk Phone?

Remember, Straight Talk is a prepaid wireless network service provider. All the mobile phones have voicemail capabilities. However, you have to use your airtime minutes when accessing these voicemail messages.

This is the main reason why some people choose to deactivate the voicemail feature altogether. In case you have deactivated the voicemail feature previously and intend to restart it, you can contact Straight Talk customer support department for assistance.

You can contact Straight Talk using their landline and following the prompts to speak to the customer support agent. You are required to provide the agent with your Straight Talk phone serial number/MEID DEC and your cell phone number. You can find the MEID DEC number inside the battery compartment on the bar code in that Straight Talk phone.

Ensure you inform the customer support representative of your reasons to want to restart the voicemail service. Wait for the agent to reactivate your voicemail service. You can dial *86 then press send from the phone.

Wait for the phone to connect to the voicemail box then follow the prompts to sent up a pass-code and greetings. You can press End button to disconnect the call when you are done setting up the voicemail.

Why Should I Enable Voicemail on My Straight Talk Phone?

There are many reason for enabling the voicemail service on your Straight Talk phone. First, you may receive calls when you are in a poor network service or unavailable and the person on the other end of the call can leave a message instead. Once you receive the message, you can always call them back.

A voicemail is a convenient way of getting in touch with someone who is unreachable and gives you an opportunity to listen to what they had to say and the urgency of the message when you get hold of your phone or are in a network service spot. Therefore, it's advisable that you set up a voicemail with the Straight Talk phone even if listening to the message eats up your airtime.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Check My Voicemail with Straight Talk?

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Straight Talk

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enable voicemail with Straight Talk
contact Straight Talk customer support
check straight talk voicemail
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