Customer FAQ

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Is there a size guide available for selecting the correct hitch for my vehicle?

Yes, we provide a comprehensive size guide to help you select the correct hitch for your vehicle on We understand...
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Order Tracking

How do I track the status of my order?

To track the status of your order, simply log in to your account on our website and navigate to the "My Orders" section. Here you will...

Types of Hitches

What types of hitches are available for purchase?

At, we offer a wide range of hitches to meet your specific towing needs. Our selection includes various types of...

Customization Options

Can I customize the color or design of the hitches?

Yes, at, we offer a range of customization options for color and design of our hitches. We understand the importance...

Return Policy

What is the return policy for hitches purchased on

At, we strive to provide the best customer experience possible. For this reason, we understand that sometimes, a...

Payment Methods

What payment methods are accepted on

We accept various payment methods on to provide convenience and flexibility to our customers. Currently, we support...

Bulk Order Discounts

Are there any discounts or promotions available for bulk orders?

Yes, offers discounts and promotions for bulk orders. We understand the value of large orders and want to reward...

Order Changes

Can I cancel or make changes to my order after it has been placed?

Yes, customers have the option to cancel or make changes to their order after it has been placed. We understand that circumstances...

International Shipping

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to various countries worldwide. At, we understand that our customers are located...

Warranty Period

What is the warranty period for the hitches?

The warranty period for our hitches at is 3 years from the date of purchase. We stand behind the quality and durability...

Size Guide

Is there a size guide available for selecting the correct hitch for my vehicle?

Yes, we provide a comprehensive size guide to help you select the correct hitch for your vehicle on We understand...

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