
NiSource Inc. Customer FAQ

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What is NiSource Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to NiSource Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does NiSource Inc. offer any rebates or incentives for energy-saving measures?

Yes, NiSource Inc. offers rebates and incentives for energy-saving measures. We understand the importance of conserving energy and...
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What is NiSource Inc. and what do they do?

NiSource Inc. is a leading energy company based in the United States, operating primarily in the Midwest and Northeast regions. With...

Where is NiSource Inc. headquartered?

NiSource Inc. is headquartered in Merrillville, Indiana. Located in the heart of the Midwest, Merrillville serves as the central hub...

What is the history of NiSource Inc.?

NiSource Inc. has a rich history spanning over a century. Founded in 1912, it started as Northern Indiana Public Service Company, providing...

Stock Information

What is NiSource Inc.'s stock symbol and on which exchange is it listed?

NiSource Inc.'s stock symbol is "NI" and it is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Being publicly traded under the ticker...

What is NiSource Inc.'s fiscal year-end?

NiSource Inc.'s fiscal year-end is on December 31st. As a natural gas and electric utility company, NiSource Inc. aligns its financial...

Investor Relations

Does NiSource Inc. have a dividend reinvestment plan?

Yes, NiSource Inc. does offer a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) for its shareholders. This plan allows shareholders to reinvest their...

Where can I find NiSource Inc.'s financial reports and SEC filings?

NiSource Inc.'s financial reports and SEC filings can be easily accessed on our official website under the Investor Relations section....


What is NiSource Inc.'s stance on sustainability and environmental responsibility?

NiSource Inc. is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. We prioritize the well-being of the environment and...

Energy Efficiency

Does NiSource Inc. offer any rebates or incentives for energy-saving measures?

Yes, NiSource Inc. offers rebates and incentives for energy-saving measures. We understand the importance of conserving energy and...

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