Mercury Insurance Group Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Mercury Insurance Group's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Mercury Insurance Group customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Are rental cars covered under my Mercury Insurance Group policy?

Yes, rental cars can be covered under your Mercury Insurance Group policy. Depending on the specific coverage you have, rental reimbursement...
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Insurance Types

What types of insurance does Mercury Insurance Group offer?

Mercury Insurance Group offers a diverse range of insurance products to meet various needs. Our offerings include auto insurance, ensuring...

Policy Management

Can I manage my policy online?

Yes, Mercury Insurance Group allows policyholders to manage their policies conveniently online. Through their user-friendly website,...

Discounts Available

What discounts are available for Mercury Insurance Group policyholders?

Mercury Insurance Group policyholders are eligible for a variety of discounts to help save on their insurance premiums. These discounts...

High-Risk Coverage

Does Mercury Insurance Group offer coverage for high-risk drivers?

Yes, Mercury Insurance Group offers coverage for high-risk drivers. They have a specialized program called Mercury Insurance Advantage...

Policy Bundling

Can I bundle multiple insurance policies with Mercury Insurance Group?

Yes, Mercury Insurance Group offers the option to bundle multiple insurance policies. By bundling policies, customers can benefit from...

Roadside Assistance

Does Mercury Insurance Group offer roadside assistance?

Yes, Mercury Insurance Group does offer roadside assistance. As a valued customer, you can rely on their comprehensive roadside assistance...

Premium Factors

What factors affect my insurance premium with Mercury Insurance Group?

Several factors can affect your insurance premium with Mercury Insurance Group. These include your driving history, the type and age...

Rental Car Coverage

Are rental cars covered under my Mercury Insurance Group policy?

Yes, rental cars can be covered under your Mercury Insurance Group policy. Depending on the specific coverage you have, rental reimbursement...

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