
Line2 Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Line2's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Line2 customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What is the difference between Line2 and a traditional phone service?

Line2 offers a modernized communication solution that differs significantly from traditional phone services. Unlike traditional systems,...
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What is Line2 and what does it do?

Line2 is a versatile virtual phone service that revolutionizes communication. With Line2, you can make and receive calls, send and...


Can I use Line2 on multiple devices?

Yes, Line2 allows you to use it on multiple devices. You can install the Line2 app on smartphones, tablets, and computers, giving you...

Can Line2 be used on a computer or tablet?

Yes, Line2 can be used on both computers and tablets. Line2 offers both desktop and mobile apps, allowing users to conveniently access...


How much does Line2 cost?

Line2 offers flexible pricing options to cater to the needs of different customers. They have two plans available: Standard and Premium....

Number Porting

Can I keep my current phone number when switching to Line2?

Yes, you can keep your current phone number when switching to Line2. Line2 offers number porting service, allowing you to transfer...

International Calls

Can I use Line2 for international calls?

Yes, Line2 offers international calling services. With Line2, you can make and receive international calls to and from over 200 countries....


Does Line2 support voicemail and call forwarding?

Yes, Line2 supports both voicemail and call forwarding. With Line2, you can have a professional voicemail greeting and receive messages...

What is the Call Forwarding feature on Line2?

The Call Forwarding feature on Line2 is a powerful tool that allows users to redirect their incoming calls to another number. Whether...

Does Line2 support conference calls?

Yes, Line2 supports conference calls. With Line2, you can easily host conference calls with up to 20 participants. This feature allows...


Is Line2 available in my country?

Line2 is available in the United States and Canada. Unfortunately, Line2 is not currently available in other countries. It is designed...


What is the difference between Line2 and a traditional phone service?

Line2 offers a modernized communication solution that differs significantly from traditional phone services. Unlike traditional systems,...

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