
Homewood Suites Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Homewood Suites's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Homewood Suites customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does Homewood Suites offer any discounts or promotions?

Homewood Suites is dedicated to offering the best value to its guests, and therefore, regularly provides discounts and promotions....
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What amenities are available at Homewood Suites?

Homewood Suites offers a range of convenient and upscale amenities to enhance your stay. Our guests can enjoy spacious suites that...

Room Features

Do the rooms at Homewood Suites have kitchens?

Yes, all rooms at Homewood Suites are equipped with fully functional kitchens. These kitchens include a stove, microwave, dishwasher,...


Is breakfast included in my stay at Homewood Suites?

Yes, breakfast is included in your stay at Homewood Suites. We believe that a good start to the day begins with a satisfying meal....

Cancellation Policy

What is the cancellation policy at Homewood Suites?

The cancellation policy at Homewood Suites allows guests to cancel their reservation without incurring any charges up to 24 hours prior...


Are pets allowed at Homewood Suites?

Yes, Homewood Suites welcomes pets. We understand that pets are important members of your family and we are pleased to offer pet-friendly...


What is the check-in/check-out time at Homewood Suites?

The check-in time at Homewood Suites is generally at 3:00 pm, while the check-out time is at 12:00 pm. However, please keep in mind...


Is there parking available at Homewood Suites?

Yes, parking is available at Homewood Suites. We provide complimentary parking for our guests on-site. You can conveniently park your...

Nearby Attractions

Are there any nearby attractions or points of interest near Homewood Suites?

Yes, there are several nearby attractions and points of interest near Homewood Suites. Our hotel is conveniently located close to popular...

Loyalty Points

Can I earn hotel loyalty points by staying at Homewood Suites?

Yes, guests staying at Homewood Suites can earn hotel loyalty points. By becoming a member of the Hilton Honors program, guests can...

Smoking Rooms

Are there any smoking rooms at Homewood Suites?

No, Homewood Suites is a non-smoking hotel property. We take pride in providing a clean and healthy environment for all our guests...


Does Homewood Suites offer any discounts or promotions?

Homewood Suites is dedicated to offering the best value to its guests, and therefore, regularly provides discounts and promotions....

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