
HomeAdvisor Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is HomeAdvisor's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to HomeAdvisor customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I request a specific type of contractor on HomeAdvisor?

Yes, you can request a specific type of contractor on HomeAdvisor. HomeAdvisor understands that every project is unique and requires...
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How does HomeAdvisor work?

HomeAdvisor is an online platform that connects homeowners with trusted professionals for their home improvement needs. It works in...

What services does HomeAdvisor offer?

HomeAdvisor offers a wide range of services for homeowners. We connect homeowners with trusted, local professionals in various home...

Is HomeAdvisor free to use?

Yes, HomeAdvisor is free to use. Homeowners can sign up for a free account on the platform and have access to a variety of features...

Trust and Safety

Can I trust the contractors I find on HomeAdvisor?

HomeAdvisor takes the trust and satisfaction of its users very seriously. We pride ourselves on maintaining a high standard when it...

Payment Options

What payment options are available on HomeAdvisor?

HomeAdvisor offers multiple convenient payment options for users. Customers can pay for services directly through the HomeAdvisor website...


Can I cancel or reschedule an appointment made through HomeAdvisor?

Yes, you can cancel or reschedule an appointment made through HomeAdvisor. We understand that plans can change, and we strive to accommodate...

Contractor Requests

Can I request a specific type of contractor on HomeAdvisor?

Yes, you can request a specific type of contractor on HomeAdvisor. HomeAdvisor understands that every project is unique and requires...

Help me with my HomeAdvisor customer service issue

Ask any question you have about HomeAdvisor customer service. We will do our best to get you answers right away.
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