Group 1 Automotive, Inc. Customer FAQ

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How do I Contact Group 1 Automotive, Inc. Customer Service?

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Are there any special promotions or discounts currently available at Group 1 Automotive, Inc. dealerships?

At Group 1 Automotive, we strive to provide exceptional value and benefits to our customers. As promotions and discounts vary by location...
Ask any question you have about Group 1 Automotive, Inc. customer service, get an answer now.

Company Overview

What is Group 1 Automotive, Inc.?

Group 1 Automotive, Inc. is a leading automotive retailer in the United States. With a presence in both the domestic and international...


Where are the headquarters of Group 1 Automotive, Inc. located?

The headquarters of Group 1 Automotive, Inc. are located in Houston, Texas. Situated in the vibrant Energy Corridor of the city, our...

Number of Dealerships

How many dealerships does Group 1 Automotive, Inc. operate?

Group 1 Automotive, Inc. operates over 185 dealerships in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Brazil. With a diverse range of...

Vehicle Brands

What brands or manufacturers of vehicles does Group 1 Automotive, Inc. have dealerships for?

Group 1 Automotive, Inc. has dealerships for a wide range of popular brands and manufacturers. Our extensive portfolio includes major...

Purchasing Options

Can I buy a new or used car from Group 1 Automotive, Inc.?

Yes, Group 1 Automotive, Inc. offers a wide selection of both new and used cars for purchase. As a leading automotive retailer, we...


Does Group 1 Automotive, Inc. offer financing options for car purchases?

Yes, Group 1 Automotive, Inc. offers financing options for car purchases. We understand that buying a car is a significant investment,...

Services Offered

What are the services provided by Group 1 Automotive, Inc. dealerships?

Group 1 Automotive, Inc. dealerships offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all your automotive needs. Whether you're looking...

Maintenance and Repair

Does Group 1 Automotive, Inc. offer maintenance and repair services for vehicles?

Yes, Group 1 Automotive, Inc. offers maintenance and repair services for vehicles. We understand the importance of regular maintenance...

Career Opportunities

Are there any career opportunities available at Group 1 Automotive, Inc.?

Yes, there are numerous career opportunities available at Group 1 Automotive, Inc. We are constantly looking for motivated individuals...

Test Drive

Can I schedule a test drive of a vehicle at a Group 1 Automotive, Inc. dealership?

Yes, customers can schedule a test drive of a vehicle at any dealership under Group 1 Automotive, Inc. group. Simply visit our website...

Warranty Options

What are the warranty options for vehicles purchased from Group 1 Automotive, Inc.?

Group 1 Automotive, Inc. offers a comprehensive warranty program for vehicles purchased from our dealership. We understand the importance...


Are there any special promotions or discounts currently available at Group 1 Automotive, Inc. dealerships?

At Group 1 Automotive, we strive to provide exceptional value and benefits to our customers. As promotions and discounts vary by location...

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