
Glu Mobile Customer FAQ

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How do I Contact Glu Mobile Customer Service?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Glu Mobile customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I sync my Glu Mobile game progress with social media accounts?

Yes, you can sync your Glu Mobile game progress with social media accounts. Glu Mobile provides the option to connect your game to...

Can I sync my Glu Mobile game progress with social media accounts?

Yes, you can sync your Glu Mobile game progress with social media accounts. Glu Mobile provides the option to connect your game to...
Ask any question you have about Glu Mobile customer service, get an answer now.

Game Types

What games does Glu Mobile develop?

Glu Mobile develops a wide range of games across various genres and platforms. They specialize in creating mobile games for iOS and...

Internet Connection

Do I need an internet connection to play Glu Mobile games?

Yes, an internet connection is typically required to play Glu Mobile games. While some games may offer offline modes or certain features...


Can I play Glu Mobile games on both iOS and Android devices?

Yes, Glu Mobile games are available to play on both iOS and Android devices. Glu Mobile strives to provide a seamless gaming experience...


Are Glu Mobile games free to play?

Yes, Glu Mobile games are free to play. Glu Mobile offers a wide range of games that are available to download and play for free on...


Is there a multiplayer mode in Glu Mobile games?

Yes, many Glu Mobile games feature a captivating multiplayer mode. With our multiplayer functionality, players can connect and interact...

Progress Transfer

Can I transfer my progress between devices in Glu Mobile games?

Yes, you can transfer your progress between devices in Glu Mobile games. Glu Mobile offers a seamless syncing feature that allows you...

In-App Purchases

Are there in-app purchases in Glu Mobile games?

Yes, Glu Mobile games feature in-app purchases that enhance and enrich the gaming experience. These purchases offer players the option...

Glu Credits

What are Glu Credits and how do I use them?

Glu Credits are the virtual currency used within Glu Mobile games, allowing players to buy various in-game items or enhancements. By...

Age Rating

What is the age rating for Glu Mobile games?

The age rating for Glu Mobile games varies depending on the game. Glu Mobile produces a wide range of mobile games, from casual and...

Social Media Integration

Can I sync my Glu Mobile game progress with social media accounts?

Yes, you can sync your Glu Mobile game progress with social media accounts. Glu Mobile provides the option to connect your game to...

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