
Glock Inc. Customer FAQ

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What is Glock Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Glock Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does Glock offer any training or shooting courses?

Yes, Glock offers various training and shooting courses for individuals of all experience levels. These courses are designed to improve...
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What is the warranty on Glock firearms?

Glock firearms are backed by a limited lifetime warranty that ensures customers receive quality and reliable products. This warranty...


What types of handguns does Glock manufacture?

Glock Inc. manufactures a wide range of high-quality handguns designed for various purposes. Our offerings include models suitable...

International Sales

Are Glock handguns available for sale internationally?

Yes, Glock handguns are available for sale internationally. As a leading firearms manufacturer, Glock Inc. has a global presence and...


Can I customize my Glock handgun?

Yes, you can customize your Glock handgun. Glock offers a wide range of options and accessories to personalize your firearm. Whether...


What is the average price of a Glock handgun?

The average price of a Glock handgun can vary depending on several factors such as the model, features, and location. However, as of...

Purchase Requirements

Are there any restrictions or requirements for purchasing a Glock handgun?

Yes, there are restrictions and requirements for purchasing a Glock handgun. In the United States, individuals must be at least 21...

Model Differences

What is the difference between Gen3, Gen4, and Gen5 Glock models?

The main differences between Gen3, Gen4, and Gen5 Glock models lie in their design, features, and improvements. Gen3 Glock models represent...


How often should I clean my Glock handgun?

We recommend cleaning your Glock handgun after every shooting session or at least every 300-500 rounds. Regular cleaning and maintenance...


What is the recommended ammunition for Glock firearms?

The recommended ammunition for Glock firearms is ammunition that complies with industry standards and is specifically designed for...


Can I dry-fire my Glock handgun without damaging it?

Yes, you can safely dry-fire your Glock handgun without causing any damage. Glock handguns are designed with a special firing pin and...

Training Courses

Does Glock offer any training or shooting courses?

Yes, Glock offers various training and shooting courses for individuals of all experience levels. These courses are designed to improve...

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