How Do I Apply for Unemployment Benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor?

Filing for unemployment benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor is basically the same as applying in any other state. You can apply by phone or online, but it is much faster to apply online and you can apply at anytime day or night. In order to be eligible for benefits, you must be unemployed through your own fault meaning it wasn't your fault that you lost your job. In addition, you must be capable, willing, and able to find another job and not turn down any suitable employment opportunities given to you.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 28, 2020

How do I apply for unemployment benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor?

The answer to your question, "How do I apply for unemployment benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor?" can be found in this article with more important information.

Qualify for Benefits

Funds for your unemployment benefits are paid for by your employer through a state taxing system where they pay premiums and report employee wages. To qualify for benefits you must:

• Be available, able, and actively looking for work.

• Be unemployed through no fault of your own.

• Have at least $2500 in earnings during the base period.

Base Period

A base period is a time frame when your earnings are reviewed to determine whether or not you qualify for benefits. You must have at least $2,500 in earnings during the standard base period or within the first four of your most recent five completed calendar quarters before your claim was filed. A calendar quarter equals to 3-month intervals with the year starting in January.

Alternate Base Period

If your earnings weren't at least $2,500 during your standard base period, you may still be eligible for an alternate base period, or the final four calendar quarters before your claim was filed. To request this base period, there are instructions you can follow on the Statement of Wages and Potential Benefits you get after your claim is filed.

How to File a Claim in Colorado

Those who have lost a job through no fault of their own may be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. These benefit payments can help to pay the bills until you find another job. In order to qualify for benefits, you must have lost your job through no fault of your own; for example, hours were reduced, a layoff, or a reduction in pay that wasn't related to your job performance. Your previous employer will be contacted for this information and more.

Quitting Your Job

Of course, you do have a right to leave a job at any time for any reason; however, the reason for the separation will be used in determining your eligibility to receive unemployment benefits. If you were discharged from employment, your chances of receiving benefits are better. Some of the separation reasons that qualify you may include: harassment that took place by the employer, domestic violence, hazardous working conditions, medical conditions, and more.

In order to review your circumstances, there are some Legal Presence Requirements that include; all persons who are over the age of 18 in Colorado must provide proof of lawful presence in the U.S. before they can receive any benefits. You must also be able to provide a valid form of identification, such as a Colorado driver's license or a state ID card. Click here to file your claim now by phone or online.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Apply for Unemployment Benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor?

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Colorado Department of Labor

Asked 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago
Viewed 593,013 times
Colorado Department of Labor
Apply for unemployment benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor
Request unemployment benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor
File for unemployment benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor
Get unemployment benefits with the Colorado Department of Labor
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