
Aunt Jemima's Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Aunt Jemima's's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Aunt Jemima's customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Do Aunt Jemima's products contain artificial preservatives?

No, Aunt Jemima's products do not contain artificial preservatives. We take pride in using only the finest ingredients to ensure the...
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Product Information

What is Aunt Jemima's?

Aunt Jemima's is a beloved American brand known for its delicious breakfast products. With a rich history dating back to 1889, Aunt...

Where can I purchase Aunt Jemima's products?

Aunt Jemima's products are widely available and can be purchased at various retailers across the country. You can find our products...

Dietary Concerns

Is Aunt Jemima's gluten-free?

No, Aunt Jemima's products are not gluten-free. While Aunt Jemima offers a wide range of delicious pancake mixes, syrups, and other...

Are Aunt Jemima's products suitable for vegetarians/vegans?

Yes, Aunt Jemima's products are suitable for vegetarians, but not for vegans. While our products do not contain any meat or animal...

Are Aunt Jemima's products kosher?

Yes, Aunt Jemima's products are not certified kosher. While Aunt Jemima takes various measures to maintain high-quality standards,...

Are Aunt Jemima's products safe for individuals with nut allergies?

Yes, Aunt Jemima's products are safe for individuals with nut allergies. We understand the importance of catering to various dietary...

Shelf Life

How long do Aunt Jemima's products stay fresh?

Aunt Jemima's products are crafted with top-quality ingredients to ensure great taste and freshness. The shelf life of our products...


What are the ingredients in Aunt Jemima's pancake mix?

The ingredients in Aunt Jemima's pancake mix are a perfect combination of high-quality flour, sugar, leavening agents, salt, and natural...


Can I freeze Aunt Jemima's products?

Yes, you can freeze Aunt Jemima's products for later use. Freezing is a convenient option to extend the shelf life of Aunt Jemima's...


Can I use Aunt Jemima's syrup for things other than pancakes?

Yes, definitely! Aunt Jemima's syrup can be wonderfully versatile and used for various culinary delights beyond just pancakes. With...


What flavors of syrup does Aunt Jemima's offer?

Aunt Jemima's offers a delectable range of syrup flavors to suit diverse palates and breakfast favorites. Indulge in the classic Original...


Do Aunt Jemima's products contain artificial preservatives?

No, Aunt Jemima's products do not contain artificial preservatives. We take pride in using only the finest ingredients to ensure the...

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