What products or services does Akamai Technologies offer?
Asked 10 months ago
Akamai Technologies offers a wide range of products and services designed to optimize and secure websites, applications, and digital content delivery. Their offerings can be broadly categorized into three main areas. Firstly, they provide a comprehensive suite of cloud-based solutions that enhance website and application performance, such as Web and Mobile Performance Solutions, Image & Video Optimization, and API Gateway. Secondly, Akamai offers various cybersecurity and threat intelligence services for safeguarding against online threats, including Web Application Protector, Bot Manager, and Kona Site Defender. Lastly, they specialize in media delivery and streaming solutions, with products like Media Delivery Solutions, Adaptive Media Delivery, and Media Services Live. Through these offerings, Akamai empowers businesses to deliver fast, reliable, and secure digital experiences to their global audiences.
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