Spectrum Customer Service Issues

Archive 16

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Spectrum customer service, archive #16. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported April 13, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have a TiVo and have been using your services for a few years. Recently, after upgrading my modem/router, I encountered issues accessing certain channels on my cable TV. Whenever I try to tune in to channels like BBC America, Paramount Network, National Geographic WILD, FXX, and FXM, I receive error messages such as "Please try again later" or "This channel is not authorized. Contact your provider for more information. (V58) V58." Interestingly, these channels work fine when I access them through the Spectrum mobile or Apple TV apps, so the problem seems to be with my TiVo setup. I currently use a CableCard and a small black box that connects to the TiVo via USB, both provided by Spectrum when I first subscribed to their services. I would appreciate any guidance on how to resolve this issue.
Reported by GetHuman7335834 on الأربعاء ١٣ أبريل ٢٠٢٢ ١٦:٥٤
I did not knowingly sign up for Spectrum Business services. I am going to report this issue to the Board of Consumer Affairs. My account number is [redacted], with code [redacted]. I needed Cable TV and the representative set me up under a Business Account without my consent. I was misled into believing I needed it urgently due to a technician visit scheduled for April 20th. Later, I found out she had lied to make a sale. I just wanted the Cable and Internet special, not a business account. Moreover, she failed to include the necessary code in my file which made me ineligible to pick up the equipment. It seems she was more focused on making a quick sale and earning a commission rather than providing me with the service I actually needed. This whole situation is frustrating. - T.J., dissatisfied customer.
Reported by GetHuman7364606 on الخميس ٢١ أبريل ٢٠٢٢ ٢٣:٤٠
We entered into a contract where we pay for 24/7 internet service from you. We understand technical difficulties can occur, but would you be as understanding if payment complications arose? We request that if you fail to uphold your end of the contract, you prorate our charges to match the internet uptime. Ever since switching to Spectrum in Colville, WA, the internet service has been disappointingly inconsistent.
Reported by GetHuman-sbdotm on الأحد ٢٤ أبريل ٢٠٢٢ ٠١:٢٧
Having recently relocated from Ohio to North Carolina, I faced numerous challenges with setting up my high-speed internet through Spectrum. Despite paying $[redacted] upfront for equipment and connection fees, the wrong equipment was initially sent to our address, causing a series of connectivity issues. After spending hours on the phone troubleshooting, it was discovered that the equipment was meant for the previous tenants who had not updated their address. This resulted in delays, requiring multiple calls and a technician visit for installation. To add to the frustration, we were erroneously billed for equipment we had already paid for. Despite clarifying the payment, subsequent bills continued to include charges for the same equipment. Seeking a more reliable and cost-effective alternative, I reached out to DTV and found a better deal. Considering the ongoing issues with Spectrum, I am contemplating canceling their services and retaining only their internet service. Wondering if this decision will lead to further complications or if it is a viable solution.
Reported by GetHuman-amhouk on الإثنين ٢٥ أبريل ٢٠٢٢ ١٢:٣٩
I recently received a message from someone claiming to be from Spectrum stating that I owe $[redacted].76 and it must be paid immediately. However, I already have an auto payment set up and was notified that my current bill of $[redacted].56 would be paid on May 2nd. When I called Spectrum's Billing Department for clarification, I was surprised to be informed that speaking to a live agent would cost me an additional $5. This kind of charge is unprecedented in my experience dealing with various institutions. Additionally, I've encountered issues with the quality of service, such as a faulty Cisco cable box and subsequent problems with a new ARRIS box. The increasing fees and subpar equipment make me consider switching providers, despite being a loyal customer of over 30 years. Please address the billing discrepancy and reconsider the extra charge for speaking with a representative. Sincerely, Gregory B.
Reported by GetHuman-mopamopa on الإثنين ٢٥ أبريل ٢٠٢٢ ٢١:١٦
Spectrum was scheduled to bury a cable at my home on May 5th, but they did not arrive. After calling them today, I encountered a representative who claimed they showed up but did not locate the cable, despite it being marked with an orange flag. The rep mentioned it might take over a week for them to return, which is unacceptable. I demanded to speak with a supervisor and was promised a callback, but this does not meet my expectations. Living in a condominium, the delay means I will face fines due to the inability to mow the lawn. I simply ask that Spectrum treat this as a priority and complete the task as soon as possible. Contact me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-nancycum on الإثنين ٩ مايو ٢٠٢٢ ١٣:٤٢
I am Scott Joyce. I recently switched carriers and had both my mobile numbers ported over, [redacted] and [redacted]. I am concerned because neither I nor Customer Service can locate my account with Spectrum Mobile. I used to pay $90 on the 23rd of every month for 2 mobile lines at $45 each. If Spectrum Mobile tries to deduct $90 for my service on May 23 without confirming that my account was closed two weeks ago, I will take action. I will request a chargeback from my bank and file a complaint with the FCC. I need help to ensure I am not charged the full amount if my account has been canceled. I am willing to pay a prorated fee if my account was active for a partial month. Please investigate this matter promptly. Thank you, Scott Joyce.
Reported by GetHuman7449777 on الإثنين ١٦ مايو ٢٠٢٢ ٢٢:٥٨
We have been loyal Spectrum customers for many years, using their internet, landline, cable services, and we recently switched to their mobile service with 2 lines. My husband has been experiencing dropped calls on his iPhone and visited the Spectrum store on Camp Bowie in Ft Worth, TX. Despite getting a new SIM card, the issue persists. When attempting to buy a new iPhone outright, he encountered authorization problems twice due to store errors. Despite resolving these issues, he faced the same problem on his second visit. I have spoken to several agents who mentioned internal computer issues. This frustrating experience has consumed a lot of our time. I was even advised by a technician to buy the phone from Apple instead. I feel let down by the lack of customer care during this purchase process. I hope Spectrum addresses these issues promptly so we can proceed with buying a brand-new iPhone 12 without any further complications.
Reported by GetHuman7483475 on الجمعة ٢٧ مايو ٢٠٢٢ ١٩:٠٥
My father worked at Charter/Spectrum for over 16 years before his passing in May [redacted]. Due to his employment, he received free internet and cable services. I was supposed to have the services stopped after the complimentary 6-month period for family members, which ended in November [redacted]. Unfortunately, I forgot about it until I received a bill at my father's address in Florida instead of my own in Tennessee. When I called to cancel, I was informed that the final bill totaling $[redacted] had been sent to a debt collector, which upset me as I have never had a debt affect my credit before. I am seeking an explanation and a detailed breakdown of the charges on the bill. The amount seems excessive for just over a month of service, so I would appreciate clarification. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-pamholma on الثلاثاء ٧ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ٢٢:٣٩
I wanted to share my recent experience with Spectrum. Despite facing internet issues that turned out to be more complicated due to my long-standing Time Warner account, the service provided by Sergio, Matthew, Paige Mullins from the Waterstone office in Cincinnati, and Laurel from Self-Install was exceptional. They were all kind, patient, informative, and truly focused on solving my problems. In a world filled with quick and often frustrating interactions, every individual I interacted with went above and beyond to assist me. Thank you for the outstanding customer service.
Reported by GetHuman-dumstorf on الأربعاء ٨ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ٠٤:١٧
I have been unable to reach Spectrum Customer Service representatives Milton Lopera, Viram Nangla, Kathleen Mayo, and Cliff Hagan regarding an issue. Despite my efforts, I have not received any responses. I am concerned about my stepmother's experience with Spectrum Internet Service. She has two accounts with Spectrum, both set up for auto billing to a credit card. When she updated the billing information due to the expiration of the credit card, only one account was correctly updated, resulting in the non-payment of the second account and the subsequent late fee charged when she tried to rectify the situation promptly. I believe the late fee is unjustified as she promptly updated the billing information, but Spectrum failed to process it correctly in both accounts. Despite her timely action, Spectrum Customer Service has been unwilling to waive the fee. I kindly request a refund of this fee, as it was the error on Spectrum's part that led to this situation. I have purposely not shared her account numbers and provided only her name and billing addresses in my emails to Spectrum due to privacy concerns in this public forum.
Reported by GetHuman7523396 on الخميس ٩ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ٢٢:٥٨
I'm experiencing a service interruption this morning and kindly request for a prompt restoration of our services. It appears our service has been disconnected without cause once again, as has happened monthly. Although we have filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 13, not Chapter 7, and informed Spectrum that we would not pursue actions against them. We have relentlessly asked Spectrum to resolve recurring issues to no avail through emails and calls. Today marks my third day spent addressing this ongoing problem with Spectrum instead of attending to personal tasks. I have documented this for our legal matters. Despite not receiving any prior notifications, we do not wish for any phone contact, just a swift restoration of our services. This is the third time our services have been cut off without justification. Your immediate attention to restoring our service is greatly appreciated. Amy R Larcinese [redacted] Portsmouth Drive Howell, Michigan [redacted] Account #: [redacted] Security Code: [redacted] Email: [redacted] Thank you, Amy Larcinese
Reported by GetHuman7534000 on الإثنين ١٣ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ١٨:٣٨
I have been a loyal Spectrum customer since [redacted]. While I appreciate the service, I am frequently receiving calls claiming to be from Spectrum on a daily basis. However, since the caller ID does not display Spectrum's name, I hang up as a precaution. I kindly request two things: first, to include a notice with each bill informing customers that Spectrum does not make calls unless the caller ID shows Spectrum, to help prevent any confusion with potential scammers. Second, I suggest adjusting your calling methods so that calls from Spectrum are clearly labeled as such. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7537634 on الثلاثاء ١٤ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ١٩:٢٥
Subject: Reminder to Use Spectrum Internet Regularly Hello Lori, I am reaching out regarding your Spectrum Internet service and the Federal Communications Commission's Affordable Connectivity Program. To maintain your ACP benefit, it is essential to use your Spectrum Internet at least once every 30 days. To avoid any interruptions to your credit, please ensure your modem is connected and powered on, and regularly surf and browse the internet using your Spectrum service. Should you encounter any issues using the service, you can reach out to Spectrum Support for assistance. Thank you for being a valued Spectrum customer. Spectrum Support Team Please note that replies to this email are not monitored. For further assistance, please contact Spectrum Support directly. If you have received this email in error, please disregard. ©[redacted] Charter Communications. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy. Sent by Charter Communications.
Reported by GetHuman7547488 on الجمعة ١٧ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ١٩:٣٧
I am concerned about potential unauthorized access to my Lenovo laptop. Someone, who I suspect is my neighbor, seems to be monitoring my online activities in real time. This unauthorized access feels like a violation of my privacy and is causing me distress. I seek assistance in locating and addressing this issue to ensure my online safety and peace of mind. Additionally, I would appreciate a thorough check of my modem and cables to rule out any technical vulnerabilities. Thank you for your help in resolving this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman7567434 on الجمعة ٢٤ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ١٣:١٩
Spectrum contacted me regarding signal strength issues in my area. A technician visited today but couldn't access the pole due to tree branches. The office offered to schedule another appointment, but I declined, opting to speak with the neighbor about clearing the obstacle. I'll talk to my neighbor to address the tree branches blocking access to the pole. If my neighbor refuses, I'm unsure of the next steps. I can't trim another neighbor's tree for Spectrum. I hope to find a resolution to ensure Spectrum can provide service as needed. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7582162 on الأربعاء ٢٩ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ٠٠:١٦
I sent a check to Spectrum on 6/30 for $[redacted]. However, it has not cleared my bank yet. When I tried to call the listed number, it was restricted, and I couldn't reach anyone. I am frustrated and considering switching carriers if I don't receive better service soon. Please contact me at [redacted] (landline) or [redacted] (cell) as soon as possible. I want to resolve this issue promptly and get back to enjoying my TV. As a long-term customer, I expect better communication from Spectrum and shouldn't have to struggle to get assistance.
Reported by GetHuman7591568 on السبت ٢ يوليو ٢٠٢٢ ١٩:٢٢
I traveled to South Korea from Ohio on June 1. Before my trip, I contacted Spectrum to activate international calling. The representative provided details about the rates for texts, calls, and data usage. While in Korea, my phone worked well on local networks, and I used WiFi whenever possible at various locations. Surprisingly, I received a bill of $1,[redacted] from Spectrum for my usage. When I inquired about this, I was informed that background data usage from iPhone apps contributed to the high charges of 12GB. Despite Spectrum's claim of sending alerts for every $[redacted] spent during international travel, I only received one alert upon my return. Clearer guidance on setting up international calling and consistent alerts could have helped me manage my usage better.
Reported by GetHuman7599738 on الإثنين ٤ يوليو ٢٠٢٢ ١٣:٣٠
Landscapers accidentally damaged our cable at the condos. Four homeowners are now without any service, including phones. The incident was reported yesterday, and we were told someone would come between 10 and 11 am today, but no one has arrived or contacted us. The address where it happened is [redacted] Durham Place, Mongwood FL. I am at [redacted] next door, and they have my number to reach me. When can we expect the repairs to be completed?
Reported by GetHuman-sengdahl on السبت ٩ يوليو ٢٠٢٢ ١٥:٢٠
Dear Spectrum Customer Service Management, I am dissatisfied with the internet service at my address. The advertised internet speeds are inaccurate, and I feel I am overpaying for subpar service. Despite multiple technician visits, I have been informed that the true internet speed available in my area will never reach [redacted] Mbps as advertised. The frequent service outages are unacceptable, and I believe Spectrum's monopoly in the area allows for unfair pricing. I have contacted the retention center without success and now request executive level intervention for reduced pricing and fair service. I urge Spectrum to address these concerns promptly. Sincerely, Gerald L.
Reported by GetHuman-caged_ra on الأربعاء ٢٠ يوليو ٢٠٢٢ ٠١:٠٨

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