Kindle Customer Service Issues

Archive 11

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Kindle customer service, archive #11. It includes a selection of 2 issue(s) reported October 27, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I recently published "Frankenstein" under ISBN [redacted][redacted]. Initially, I selected "Yes" for AI usage at the top of the page but mistakenly clicked "No" at the bottom, assuming it referred to images. I only realized this after proceeding to publish the Digital Copy with correct AI selections. Upon my attempt to rectify this in the paperback version, I found it was not editable during the review process. The AI choices I made for the Digital Copy should also apply to the Paperback as I used the same content for both editions. I hope there is a way to update the AI preferences for "Frankenstein," ISBN [redacted][redacted], as my error was made unintentionally.
Reported by GetHuman8675941 on शुक्रवार, २७ अक्टूबर २०२३, शाम ५:०१ बजे
I recently published "Frankenstein" with the ISBN [redacted][redacted]. When prompted about using Ai, I mistakenly selected "No" at the bottom of the page, which contradicted my initial "Yes" selection at the top. I then correctly chose Ai options for the digital version but found I couldn't edit the paperback because it's under review. The mistake I made for the digital copy applies to the paperback as I used the same manuscript and cover for both. I hope you can rectify this error on your end or let me adjust the Ai choices for "Frankenstein," ISBN [redacted][redacted], before publication because it was a genuine oversight on my part.
Reported by GetHuman8675941 on शुक्रवार, २७ अक्टूबर २०२३, शाम ५:०५ बजे

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