Customer Service Issues

Archive 7

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #7. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported September 5, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I recently noticed an $18 charge from your organization on my account. I don't have an active membership, just a one-time purchase from a few years back. I would like the $18 refunded and any other charges reviewed. Due to a disability from a previous accident, I am on a tight budget and need this matter resolved promptly. I can be reached at [redacted]. My phone doesn't always receive calls, so please keep trying, and leave a message if needed with a callback number. Due to limited phone minutes, I can only communicate via phone. Please do not email me as I am unable to check emails. Thank you for your prompt attention to this. - Caroline
Reported by GetHuman-cargg on सोमवार, ५ सितम्बर २०२२, रात ११:०० बजे
I recently found a classmate, David Bean, on your site, which I was happy about. I reached out to him to catch up on the past 56 years but have not received a response. Instead, he frequently visits my profile multiple times a day at all hours, despite my requests for him to either contact me or stop. As a First Responder, I need to keep my phone on at all times, so his alerts disturb my sleep. I have asked him to refrain from this behavior to no avail. Could you please check my messages to confirm this? I am looking for a way to block him from interacting with my profile. If you are unable to help, I may need to close my account. Additionally, other classmates have reported similar issues with David Bean.
Reported by GetHuman7808936 on बुधवार, १४ सितम्बर २०२२, रात ९:२१ बजे
I need to cancel my subscription with Classmates. It has been incredibly difficult. After forgetting my password, I attempted to contact them EIGHT times in the past week with no success. Despite their indication of sending a return email, I have not received anything. I thoroughly checked my Trash folder and ensured they are not in my blocked contacts. Today, I tried calling them TWICE, but both calls got disconnected. If I do not receive a response by Friday, I plan to reach out to the WA AG’s office. -Robert Coderre
Reported by GetHuman8004887 on मंगलवार, ६ दिसम्बर २०२२, शाम ६:५० बजे
I have noticed a recurring charge of $6.95 on my credit card from that I did not sign up for. I am seeking a refund for the last two months' charges. I want to be unsubscribed from and any subscriptions canceled as I have not ordered them. Nobody in my household placed these orders. Can this be resolved promptly, preferably today?
Reported by GetHuman8037642 on मंगलवार, २० दिसम्बर २०२२, दोपहर १:५७ बजे
I am Donald Wagner and have been receiving emails addressed to Richard Clark, who I knew as Dick from Lew Wallace High School in Gary, Indiana. I graduated in [redacted] along with his brother, John Clark. Dick passed away many years ago. My email is [redacted], and my phone number is [redacted]. I believe I may know why this mix-up happened. Kindly remove my email from Dick's account to avoid further confusion. Thank you, Don Wagner.
Reported by GetHuman-dwwlaw on शुक्रवार, ३० दिसम्बर २०२२, रात ९:१३ बजे
I have been a member for a while now. When I initially signed up, I made a mistake by misspelling my first name and using my married name. Despite numerous attempts over the years to rectify this, the error persists. My current name shown is Londa Davenport, but it should be Linda Dresser-Davenport from the Reseda High School class of [redacted]. Could you kindly update my information accordingly? I believe fixing this will lead to increased communication with several classmates, as I currently only receive pictures occasionally. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman8064494 on शुक्रवार, ३० दिसम्बर २०२२, रात १०:२८ बजे
I purchased three memberships on for the high schools I attended. I have memberships for Central High School and Centennial High School in 1[redacted] in Colorado, and South High School in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I graduated in [redacted]. I want to access each account separately, but I keep being redirected to Central High School in Pueblo, Colorado when I try to log in. I prefer not to use social media platforms. Please contact me at [redacted] with a solution. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8099400 on शुक्रवार, १३ जनवरी २०२३, रात ९:०० बजे
Is it possible to have a name permanently removed from I don't mean canceling membership because a name remains after that process. I have attempted switching schools, but my name still appears on the old school's page. They currently have my name listed twice, and I would like both instances removed as soon as possible, or as promptly as feasible. I am not seeking a refund, just the permanent removal of my name. My original graduation year was [redacted], but I eventually dropped out to join the service. For personal reasons, I do not wish to be associated with that class. Following my discharge, I completed my education in adult education in [redacted], but I also do not feel connected to that group. Essentially, I want to disassociate myself along with having my name removed. I believe this request is reasonable. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Reported by GetHuman-tslambdi on मंगलवार, १७ जनवरी २०२३, दोपहर ४:४५ बजे
I have been receiving emails from indicating that a classmate is interested in me, but I believe this is misleading. My husband received the same messages, and upon investigating, we discovered that checking one's profile automatically triggers a notification to the other person. This has created a cycle of false alerts. I have decided not to renew my subscription, but charged my bank account without prior notice. I wish to cancel my account and receive a refund as I no longer wish to use this app.
Reported by GetHuman-kaytodd on बुधवार, १८ जनवरी २०२३, दोपहर ३:५७ बजे
I would like to stop receiving emails from your service. My high school classmates and I have no interest in each other. I did not sign up for this service and do not want these emails cluttering my inbox or being shared. When I try to log in, I am not recognized. Please unsubscribe the email addresses [redacted] and [redacted] I hope unsubscribing is a simple process. Please acknowledge. Thank you. N. Rosner
Reported by GetHuman8159439 on गुरूवार, ९ फ़रवरी २०२३, दोपहर १:५६ बजे
I am frustrated with the continuous attempts to charge me for a service I did not sign up for. When I call your phone line, it says it's experiencing technical difficulties and to try later. I do not wish to be a part of PCH Classmates. Despite my efforts to cancel, I am unable to do so as you do not accept my email address or passwords. Nevertheless, you have no trouble charging my credit card and even send me emails confirming these charges, despite my requests to cancel all transactions with my bank.
Reported by GetHuman8160018 on गुरूवार, ९ फ़रवरी २०२३, शाम ५:५९ बजे
I unintentionally created an account under the name DaMarrion Garrett. It displays personal details like the elementary school I attended, and I am only 15 years old. I urgently need assistance in removing this account as I do not know how to access it. This situation is concerning as my safety is at risk if anyone finds this information online. The account is named DaMarrion Garrett and it states I graduated from Blackshear Elementary in Houston, Texas in [redacted]. Please reach out to me promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8217956 on मंगलवार, ७ मार्च २०२३, रात ८:३९ बजे
My name is Anthony Medici. I previously used the email [redacted], but have now switched to [redacted] Please update your records accordingly as I am not very tech-savvy at 75 years old. Kindly delete the email and use the for all future communication. Thank you for your assistance. Anthony Medici Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Reported by GetHuman8244557 on रविवार, १९ मार्च २०२३, दोपहर १:३१ बजे
I would like to report multiple unauthorized charges on my debit card from your website. I only signed up for a 3-month trial, but additional charges have been appearing without my consent or knowledge. I am requesting a refund for these unauthorized charges beyond the initial trial purchase. It is important to note that I did not agree to any further transactions on the website after the first three months and have only been trying to cancel. If there are any further problems, please contact me. As I am on a tight budget and not very knowledgeable with technology, I am hopeful that you can assist me in getting my money refunded.
Reported by GetHuman8254574 on गुरूवार, २३ मार्च २०२३, शाम ६:४९ बजे
I recently signed up for, under the impression it was a monthly subscription, as indicated during the registration process. However, upon checking my account page, it stated that the subscription was for 3 months. I promptly canceled any future payments and informed their support team. Despite my account being inactive, I have encountered issues getting my information removed completely from the site. I have reached out to multiple times about this privacy and legal concern, but have only received automated responses that do not address my specific issue. I am eager for a human representative to address this matter as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance. RJ
Reported by GetHuman-grosspro on गुरूवार, ३० मार्च २०२३, दोपहर १:४० बजे
I signed up for a 3-month trial with, with no automatic renewal. However, after just a month, I decided not to continue. Now, on 4/1, I noticed a pending $23.00 charge on my Bank of America credit card. Once this status changes to paid, I will contact my bank to dispute the unexpected charge. Please address this mistake promptly to prevent any further unauthorized charges. Feel free to reach out via phone or email if you require additional details. Thank you, P.A. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8273741 on शनिवार, १ अप्रैल २०२३, दोपहर ४:४६ बजे
Could you please update the photos? When I click on "photos" under my profile, instead of seeing my pictures, I am directed to the latest photos of another person on your site. I am unable to find a way to view my own photos easily from my profile. It would be helpful to add a "Photo Album" button under each person's profile picture so users can easily access and view their pictures in their album.
Reported by GetHuman8274124 on शनिवार, १ अप्रैल २०२३, रात ८:०३ बजे
To whom it may concern, I recently noticed a charge of $60.30 for a fee and a $10.00 late fee on my bank statement, totaling $70.30. As a disabled veteran with a traumatic brain injury, I sometimes struggle to remember tasks. I have enjoyed using this site, but due to financial constraints, I had to cut down on non-essential expenses. I hope to rejoin in the future to reconnect with old schoolmates. I kindly request a refund of $70.30 to be credited back to my bank account from which the company withdrew the amount. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8295593 on मंगलवार, ११ अप्रैल २०२३, रात १०:०२ बजे
I'm having trouble getting in touch with for a refund. I've explained why I need a refund and have even tried using Get Human to contact them, but without success. I even saved Get Human's number in my phone and tried calling, but it was busy. It's frustrating that it's difficult to get a refund or speak to someone when paying is easy. I appreciate as a way to reconnect with old friends. However, as a disabled Marine veteran on a fixed income, I need to cut back on expenses. I was charged through my bank and incurred a late fee. Since I haven't been able to reach anyone, can someone please provide the correct contact information or direct me on what steps to take? This process shouldn't be this challenging.
Reported by GetHuman8295593 on बुधवार, १२ अप्रैल २०२३, रात ८:२७ बजे
I am a customer of Classmates. Everything seems to be in order with their website. I have been trying to find friends from a different school in another town in the same state, but the instructions provided are not effective. Every time I try to input the information I am looking for, I keep getting redirected back to my own page instead of the yearbook or location I want to view. Please provide clear instructions on how I can successfully find and connect with friends from a different school in a different town within the same state. Thank you, Teddy
Reported by GetHuman8304458 on रविवार, १६ अप्रैल २०२३, सुबह ४:४४ बजे

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