Cathay Pacific Airlines Customer Service Issues

Archive 6

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Cathay Pacific Airlines customer service, archive #6. It includes a selection of 4 issue(s) reported August 15, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I would like to dispute a cancellation fee that was not refunded to me. As a Cathay member, I am entitled to a 24-hour free cancellation policy. However, at the time of booking, I was unable to log into my account due to it being locked. This prevented me from entering my membership number as I was redirected to an inaccessible account. I canceled the booking within 2 hours and now seek a refund of the AU$[redacted] cancellation fee. Cathay claims I did not provide my membership number, making me ineligible for a refund. I have tried explaining that I would have if I could access my account, but only received a generic response. I am based in Australia and uncertain about my consumer rights in this situation.
Reported by GetHuman-siytdw on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 11:45 AM
I am writing to report an unauthorized charge on my US Bank credit card on 10/12/[redacted], reference number [redacted][redacted][redacted]. An amount of [redacted] Euros was charged by Cathay Pacific for an upgrade on a flight segment I did not authorize. I participated in a bid for an upgrade on the Amsterdam to Hong Kong portion of my flight, not the Manila segment. Despite my protests and efforts to rectify the situation at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Cathay Pacific claimed the flight was fully booked and unable to make changes. I have disputed the charge with US Bank and will also address this issue in person with them. If a favorable resolution is not reached, I will explore other avenues including contacting the US FAA and potentially pursuing legal action for unauthorized credit card use. I hope this matter can be resolved amicably. Thank you, Joseph J. K.
Reported by GetHuman-jnkredlo on Saturday, October 14, 2023 12:32 PM
Hi, I am planning a trip for my mum who is 73 years old to visit us in Hong Kong in November. She usually flies with British Airways, but this time she will be flying with Cathay Pacific. I want to make her experience extra special and am considering upgrading her seat for this flight. I was wondering how much it would cost to upgrade her, as I would like to surprise her. Her name is Sarah Callow and she will be flying from London to Hong Kong on November 15th. She is really looking forward to her trip. - Jess Callow
Reported by GetHuman8666157 on Thursday, October 19, 2023 3:33 AM
Subject: Compensation Request for Flight Delay Dear Customer Service, I am writing regarding booking reference: WL9AWR. Unfortunately, due to a substantial flight delay on CX250 from London to Hong Kong, my original flight to Narita International Airport was missed, and I was rerouted to Haneda Airport. This caused significant inconvenience and financial loss as I had pre-paid for a bus trip from Narita Airport to Downtown Tokyo which I could not utilize, resulting in a cost of £65.90. I kindly request a refund for the aforementioned bus trip. The original flight details were as follows: Original Flight: Hong Kong - Tokyo Cathay Pacific · CX500 | Economy | Airbus [redacted] Departure: 15:10, 3 October [redacted] Hong Kong International Airport T1 Arrival: 20:35, 3 October [redacted] Narita International Airport T2 Changed Flight: Hong Kong - Tokyo Cathay Pacific · CX542 | Economy Departure: 16:20, 3 October [redacted] Hong Kong International Airport T1 Arrival: 21:35, 3 October [redacted] Haneda Airport T3 Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, D. Gratton
Reported by GetHuman8666439 on Thursday, October 19, 2023 12:01 PM

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