Amazon Canada Customer Service Issues

Archive 44

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Amazon Canada customer service, archive #44. It includes a selection of 7 issue(s) reported November 15, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I received a package at my correct name and address, but it contained the wrong items that I did not order. An hour later, I got an email from the carrier claiming they couldn't deliver the package, even though it was already delivered. When I contacted Intelcom, they redirected me to Amazon, which is frustrating because it's difficult to reach them. Now I have these wrong and probably cheaper items, with no assistance. I am considering canceling my Prime membership due to this frustrating experience. Looking for a resolution soon. - M.I. Spickler Tracking no: INTLCME[redacted]03
Reported by GetHuman-mispickl on Mittwoch, 15. November 2023 15:24
I'm uncertain why my account has been placed on hold. Initially, I signed up for an Amazon account using my phone number. Subsequently, I attempted to avail of the student Prime benefits by adding my student email and a newly acquired credit card. However, my account was suspended. I am perplexed by this situation as the credit card is new, and I have yet to receive any bills for verification purposes. The only documentation I can offer at this time is a picture of the credit card showcasing my name and a photograph of my driver's license that displays my residential address.
Reported by GetHuman-cbucyw on Samstag, 18. November 2023 00:49
I am having trouble locating the live chat feature on I have tried searching on Google, but it only shows me the American live chat option. I need a detailed breakdown of my purchases to file for reimbursement with the government. When I check my orders, I can only see the current price to repurchase the item, not the original price I paid. This is causing difficulty in accurately reporting my expenses.
Reported by GetHuman8706043 on Freitag, 24. November 2023 05:26
I have had issues with Intelcom tracking my orders for delivery on Tuesday. I got a call from the driver who was about an hour away from my home but couldn't find me. The orders were returned to the warehouse in Owen Sound where they currently are. According to their tracking, they claim that the address is incorrect. However, I have been at the same address long before Amazon even existed and it has not changed. I attempted to contact Intelcom without success. Can anyone help me with this situation?
Reported by GetHuman8707845 on Samstag, 2. Dezember 2023 16:55
ASL Delivery consistently updates the delivery status as "handed directly to customer," which is inaccurate. The packages are never handed to me directly but are always left on the porch. In a recent delivery, I received multiple boxed packages on the front porch, and tucked in between them was an Amazon envelope that was empty, resulting in a missing item. It seems the envelope was not sealed properly, causing the item to fall out. I have requested a refund due to the missing item, but this incident highlights the misleading nature of ASL Delivery's service standards.
Reported by GetHuman8708450 on Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2023 15:19
Good evening, I recently made a purchase on for an electronic gift card for my son in Montreal. It has been two days now, and the order is still being processed. The invoice attached states that the item has not been shipped yet. I noticed that to cancel a gift card, I need to contact customer service via email. I would like to cancel this order, which seems to be stuck, and reorder the gift card. Could you please provide me with the appropriate contact information to do so? Thank you for your assistance. Regards
Reported by GetHuman8710912 on Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2023 19:56
I was unexpectedly charged for a Paramount+ subscription on my credit card. Resolving this issue was frustrating as I was bounced between several customer service representatives, even being transferred to American Amazon support at one point. No clear explanation was provided regarding how this unauthorized charge occurred or why the authentication notice showed the wrong location. It's puzzling how my roommate's subscription also appeared on my account despite us having separate Amazon Prime accounts with different payment methods. Although we could share a subscription, we prefer individual accounts to avoid mix-ups. As a senior with anxiety, this experience was distressing. I hope Amazon improves accessibility for customers like me who struggle with phone communication. Despite the challenging experience, the final representative tried to help. I wish Amazon had a better way to address customer feedback and complaints about such issues to prevent future mishaps and alleviate customer anxiety.
Reported by GetHuman8712045 on Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2023 20:46

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