Calling this number should only be used if you actually have an issue with getting your bags. Otherwise, there are better numbers to call to get assistance with questions from Southwest.
That's because this number is dedicated entirely to lost baggage and damaged baggage. When I called, I was promptly informed that I had reached Southwest's baggage services and asked if I had a claim number for my baggage. If I did, I could go to Southwest's website and enter my information there to check the status of my claim.
When I didn't enter anything, I was then asked if it had been more than five days since my bag had been lost or damaged. I entered no, and the system said that it would connect me to the next available representative. Within two minutes, I was connected to Mark, who clearly and pleasantly asked how he could assist and who he had the pleasure of speaking with. I ended the call there because I didn't feel it would be right to waste his time with a nonexistent baggage issue on a line dedicated to bag claims, nor did I want to provide a name for a nonexistent baggage claim.
Based on what I did evaluate, I thought this was a quick and easy process to get questions with your bags resolved. I didn't have to wait longer than a minute, and getting through the automated menu was a breeze. If I did have an issue with baggage claim from Southwest, I would not hesitate to use this number for assistance.