How Do I Get a Refund from

Wish allows you to return your items except for the Excluded Items. You can return your items within 30 days of receipt with these following steps.

If you have cancelled your order on Wish, you may be eligible for a refund. There are plenty of reasons why you may need a refund. Some of them include; when the product does not meet your preferences or when you change your mind about it. Wish allows you to return an item 30 days after you make your purchase. If your purchase has not been shipped yet, you will get your refund back to your credit card. If, however, your item has already been shipped, you may have to wait a few days before getting your refund. You may also get a refund if your item is late.

Reasons to Ask for a Return or Refund

1. You Changed Your Mind

You can always cancel your order if you change your mind about buying an item. Wish allows you to opt out of a purchase up to 14 days after receiving the item. You will, however, need to pay for the cost of return shipping.

2. You Got the Wrong Item

If you receive an item that you did not order, you can return it and ask for a refund. Always check your items after receipt to ensure that they are the right color, size and type. If the product you receive is not consistent with what you ordered, you are under no obligation to keep it. You will be required to provide photographic evidence.

3. You Didn't Get the Product

You are eligible for a refund if the product you order does not arrive. Contact Wish Support team for your refund.

Getting a Refund

Your refund may be applied to your account or as Wish Cash depending on your preference. If you get a refund through your original method of payment, you must wait five to ten days before it reflects in your account. Wish Cash will be available in your Wish account immediately. It will be applied to your next purchase.

Returning Your Item When You Have a Shipping Label

1. Print your shipping label

2. Pack the item and attach your shipping label on the package

3. Ship your package to your post office and wait for your refund.

You will receive your refund as soon as Wish gets the item back.

If you simply need to replace an item, the process is different. You may replace items if they do not match your satisfaction. You can replace your items if the color, size, or shape does not match what was advertised.

Canceling Your Order

You can cancel your order at most eight hours from the time of purchase. Go to Order History and click on the option 'Contact Support.' You will find an option to cancel your item.

If you cancel your order, you will not experience any charges. If, however, you need to cancel an order that has already been processed, the process is different. Wish has a returns policy that will guide you.

Checking the Status of Your Refund

If you have already asked for a refund, you can track its progress. Your order history allows you to keep track of your refund status. With Wish Cash, you can get your refund immediately. You will be able to use it on your next purchase.

If you are unable to find your refund that was sent through your original payment method, you should contact your bank for help.

If your original card of payment is lost, expired, or stolen, it may difficult to get a refund. Wish can only send you your refund through your original payment method. Speak to your card issuer and ask them to help you get your card back.

If you have trouble with your returns or refunds, contact Wish customer support for help.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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