How do I appeal a ban from Ubisoft?

In a nutshell: Ubisoft implements bans to combat cheating and disruptive behavior in games. Players can request a review of their case by contacting support. Bans can be temporary or permanent

Mar 29, 2024


Ubisoft introduces bans to stop players from cheating and ruining the game for others. If Ubisoft bans you, you can ask Ubisoft to review your case by contacting its support. Sometimes, Ubisoft won't permanently ban you on the first try. Instead, you might get a temporary ban for up to 15 days. But if you cheat again after a temporary ban, it'll ban you for good. Ubisoft uses FairFight to catch cheaters. It's a real-time anti-cheat system that works on servers without invading privacy. But if you think the ban was unjust, you have the option to appeal. Here's how.

Understand the Reason for the Ban

Before you do anything, it's important to understand why Ubisoft banned you. Ubisoft bans users for breaking their rules, which could include cheating, harassment, or other bad behavior. Look for emails or notifications from Ubisoft that explain why it banned you. Knowing the reason will help you deal with the problem properly.

Review Ubisoft's Terms of Service and Code of Conduct

Get to know Ubisoft's terms of service and code of conduct. These documents explain the rules users must follow when playing Ubisoft's games and using its services. Understanding these rules will help you figure out if your ban was fair and how to appeal it.

Collect Evidence

If you think the ban wasn't fair or was a misunderstanding, collect evidence to back up your argument. Provide documents that show you didn't do anything wrong or explain the situation better.

Contact Ubisoft Support

Get in touch with Ubisoft's support team to start the appeals procedure. Provide details, comprising your account information, the cause of your ban, and any evidence you collect. Maintain politeness and brevity in your communication. Clearly express your intention to challenge the ban and state why you think Ubisoft should revoke it.

Wait for a Response

After you send your appeal to Ubisoft, wait patiently for their reply. It might take a while to process it. So, don't send several appeals or messages to Ubisoft's support. Keep an eye on your email or account for updates. And be prepared to give Ubisoft any more information it asks for.

Monitor Progress

If it's been a while and you haven't heard anything, you can contact Ubisoft's support team to check on your appeal. Just ask nicely about what's going on with it and if there's anything else you can do to make it faster.

Accept the Outcome

Once Ubisoft looks at your appeal, it'll inform you what it has decided. If it lifts your ban, that's awesome! You can start playing Ubisoft's games again. But if it says no to your appeal, it's best to accept it calmly. Contesting the decision will make things worse.


To appeal a ban from Ubisoft, think about why Ubisoft banned it and follow its rules for appealing. Follow the right steps to appeal, and know your rights about your details. This way, you can go through the appeal process and try to regain your Ubisoft account.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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