Orange Rockland Electric Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Orange Rockland Electric's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Orange Rockland Electric customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I schedule a service appointment online?

Yes, you can conveniently schedule a service appointment online with Orange Rockland Electric. Our user-friendly website allows you...
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Reporting Outages

How do I report a power outage?

To report a power outage to Orange Rockland Electric, you can use their designated outage reporting line or website. Be prepared to...

Safety Concerns

What should I do if I smell gas?

If you smell gas, it's important to leave the area immediately and avoid doing anything that could cause a spark or ignite the gas....

Billing Options

How can I sign up for paperless billing?

To sign up for paperless billing with Orange Rockland Electric, simply log in to your online account and navigate to the billing section....

Meter Reading

How do I read my electric meter?

To read your electric meter, start by locating it on the side of your house or in a meter box. Take note of the numbers displayed on...

Payment Methods

What are the different payment options available?

Orange Rockland Electric offers several convenient payment options for customers. You can make payments online through their secure...

Electric Usage

What is the average residential electric usage in my area?

The average residential electric usage in your area can vary depending on various factors such as the size of your home, number of...

Response Time

What is the average response time for power restoration during an outage?

The average response time for power restoration during an outage at Orange Rockland Electric is dependent on various factors, including...

Voltage Information

What is the voltage of your power supply?

The voltage of our power supply at Orange Rockland Electric is typically 120/240 volts for residential customers. For commercial and...

Service Appointments

Can I schedule a service appointment online?

Yes, you can conveniently schedule a service appointment online with Orange Rockland Electric. Our user-friendly website allows you...

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