
LA Times Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is LA Times's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to LA Times customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

How Do I Place a Vacation Hold on My LA Times Account?

If you're interested in placing a hold on your LA Times account, first go to the newspaper's website. Next, click "Log In" in the upper...

Can I gift a subscription to someone else?

Yes, you can certainly gift a subscription to someone else! LA Times offers the option to give the gift of news and entertainment to...
Ask any question you have about LA Times customer service, get an answer now.

Recent LA Times Customer Questions

I want to suspend delivery from April 7th through April 12th

We can understand the need to suspend delivery for certain periods of time, however, this operation typically involves contacting directly LA Times' customer service or managing your subscription on their website. We suggest verifying these options on the official LA Times website for the most accurate and detailed instructions. It's important to provide them with the specific dates to ensure no papers are delivered during your specified period. Please remember to make the changes ahead of the desired start date for the suspension to ensure that it's processed on time.
Asked Apr 5, 2024 5:26 PM

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Subscription Management

How Do I Place a Vacation Hold on My LA Times Account?

If you're interested in placing a hold on your LA Times account, first go to the newspaper's website. Next, click "Log In" in the upper...

How can I update my payment information?

To update your payment information, you can log in to your account on our website and navigate to the "Account Settings" or "Payment...

What are the different subscription options available for the LA Times?

The LA Times offers various subscription options tailored to readers' preferences and needs. Firstly, there is a Digital Basic plan,...

Does the LA Times offer digital-only subscriptions?

Yes, the LA Times does offer digital-only subscriptions. Subscribers can access all the content and features of the newspaper's website,...

What are the accepted payment methods for LA Times subscriptions?

LA Times offers convenient payment methods for subscriptions to cater to various preferences. We accept payments via credit or debit...

Can I gift a subscription to someone else?

Yes, you can certainly gift a subscription to someone else! LA Times offers the option to give the gift of news and entertainment to...

Delivery and Access

What is the delivery schedule for the LA Times?

The delivery schedule for the LA Times varies depending on the location. In most areas, the newspaper is delivered daily, including...

Can I access LA Times articles online for free?

No, accessing LA Times articles online is not completely free. The LA Times offers a limited number of articles per month for free...

Is there a mobile app for the LA Times?

Yes, the LA Times offers a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. The app allows you to stay updated on the latest news, articles,...
We look to the LA Times issues that customers have reported to GetHuman to decide which questions are the most common and how much time to spend researching how to solve them.
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