How do I get a refund from

If you cancelled your account with but you are still being charged, you are entitled to a refund. Here's how to get a refund from

Jul 23, 2019 seeks to reconnect people with loved ones from their past. Even though it is great, there may come a time where you no longer want to keep using it. You can cancel your subscription and ask for a refund.

Canceling a Subscription for Paid Members

If you wish to discontinue your paid membership, you can cancel your automatic renewal. Your membership will be canceled after your current term. Follow these steps to cancel your automatic renewal.

1. Tap on the gear icon at the top right of the website page

2. Select 'Account.'

3. Click on the option 'Account & Billing

4. Enter your password

5. Tap on the option 'Turn off automatic renewal' under Account Information

6. Tap 'Yes' to confirm our decision.

Once you have turned off automatic renewal, your account won't be charged unless you renew it manually. Your account will change to free status after your current subscription expires.

If you are unable to cancel your automatic subscription by following these steps, you may need to contact the customer support team for help. It is not possible to get a refund for your membership fees even if your subscription is not over. typically doesn't offer refunds. All fees that relate to Subscription Services such as initial fees or renewal fees are non-refundable. Once you accept an offer for subscription, you are enrolled in the automatic renewal program. You get to enjoy your privileges as a gold member without any interruptions.

Closing Your Classmates Account

1. Log into your Classmates account and tap on the option 'Help' at the top of your page. Navigate to the title 'Search' and type 'Delete Account' in the search box. Tap on the option 'Search' and then 'Canceling our Membership.'

2. If you are a free member, find the option 'Free Member' and tap on the hyperlink 'Click Here.' You will see a page with your account information and reason to cancel your subscription. Choose the reason why you wish to remove our subscription and tap on the option 'Remove Registration. Click 'Yes' to complete the process.

3. If you want to close your account when you have a paid membership, go to the option 'Member Care Team' under 'Paid Member.' You can contact the customer care team by clicking 'Member Care Team.' You will be connected with a representative.

Once you close your account, Classmate should not charge you. If they do, it may be a mistake and you are eligible for a refund. You may also be eligible for a refund if you are charged for a service you did not sign in for.

Even though does not offer refunds, you may contact the customer support team and ask for one. If you wish to speak with an agent, your best option is to contact them by phone. has only one phone number but you can get connected in just 25 minutes. When speaking to a representative, make sure that they provide you with a confirmation number. You can call later to make a follow-up.

Email support is another great way to seek help. Send Classmate an email with details of your problem and how you would like them to help you. Keep the email short but do not leave out any important details.

The help desk is another great way to seek help. This is a good option if you are not in a hurry to get help. It allows you to get the opinions of other users. You should get help in less than 48 hours. Classmates does not offer customer support on Twitter, Live Chat, or Facebook Messenger.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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