How Do I File a Complaint About the Property to VRBO?

If you have a concern or a complaint about a Vrbo listing, call the host to give them a chance to respond to or resolve the concern. When the host is unresponsive, you may submit a Stay Neighborly complaint to Vrbo. Prepare all the required information, including your name, phone number, email address, any documents such as police reports and the details of the concern.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 13, 2023

When guests have a concern about a booked Vrbo property, they should consider contacting the hosts first to give the hosts a chance to resolve the issue. If the issue isn't fixed or the host doesn't respond, you may submit a Stay Neighborly complaint form. Make sure you have all the required details ready as well.

Prepare the information below before contacting Vrbo:

  • Your name, phone number and email address.
  • URL of the property listing.
  • Details about your concern.
  • Any documents, if applicable. These may include photos or police reports.

How Vrbo Responds to Concerns

After review, Vrbo will provide the host with information regarding tax compliance, best practices and applicable regulations. Vrbo will also inform the host of the platform's no-tolerance policy for guests or hosts that abuse their rights. Most importantly, when the host violates Vrbo rules, their listing may be removed from the Vrbo platform.

What If the Property on the Listing Is Different?

If the property description on the website doesn't match the actual property, get in touch with the hosts first and let them resolve the concern. Don't forget to also report the issue to Vrbo so that they are aware of your concern.

Vrbo also allows the guests to write about their experience with the property through reviews. If you have concerns, consider writing a review about the property and wait for the hosts to respond to it. Hosts usually respond to reviews to ensure future guests will still book the properties listed. For those who can't reach the host during their stay, don't hesitate to contact Customer Support.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I File a Complaint About the Property to VRBO?

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