How Do I Cancel My Trip with Sheraton?

If you need to cancel your reservation at a Sheraton resort or hotel then you need to know Marriott's cancellation policy, as Sheraton is owned by Marriott. In general, you can receive a full refund if you cancel two or more days before check-in, though some locations require three days. You can cancel your reservation online or using the Marriott Bonvoy app, whether you are a Bonvoy member or not.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 13, 2023

If you booked a reservation with a Sheraton hotel or resort and now need to cancel it, you need to learn what Sheraton's cancellation policies and procedures are first. Or, actually, what Marriott's cancellation policies and procedures are, as Sheraton is a division of Marriott. This article will teach you all about them.

Marriott's Cancellation Policy

Most guests of Marriott properties must cancel their reservations no less than two days ahead of their check-in time to qualify for a free cancellation. Cancellations inside that two day window will incur a fee or possibly even not receive any refund at all. Some Sheraton resorts and hotels extend this window from two to three days. Look in the confirmation email you received after booking the reservation for the details of your cancellation policy.

If your reservation is part of a group reservation then the cancellation policy might be different than the hotel's usual policy. You should contact your group organizer to learn what cancellation policy applies to your group's reservations.

If you used a discount travel site, travel agent, or some other third party provider to make your reservation, that provider's cancellation policy takes precedence over Marriott's. Contact that third party if you have any questions about it.

How to Cancel Your Sheraton Reservation Online

If you are a Marriott Bonvoy member, you can cancel your Sheraton reservation using a desktop or laptop by following these instructions:

  1. Sign into your Marriott Bonvoy account.
  2. Click on the My Trips button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  3. Locate your reservation in the list.
  4. Click on the Cancel button.
  5. Follow the prompts to finish canceling your reservation.

If your reservation does not appear on the list, or if you are not a Marriott Bonvoy member, use these instructions:

  1. Go to the Marriott website.
  2. Click on the My Trips button in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Enter your first and last names, your reservation's confirmation number, and your reservation's check-in date in the text fields under the "Look up a reservation" header.
  4. Click on the Find button.
  5. Follow the prompts to finish canceling your reservation.

How to Cancel Your Sheraton Reservation Using the Marriott Bonvoy App

If you are a Marriott Bonvoy member, follow these instructions to cancel your trip using the app:

  1. Open the app.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap on Trips.
  4. Find your reservation on the list.
  5. Select the cancel option.
  6. Follow the prompts to finish canceling your reservation.

If you aren't a Marriott Bonvoy member, use these instructions:

  1. Open the app.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap on Trips.
  4. Tap on Look It Up.
  5. Enter your names, confirmation number, and check-in date in the appropriate text fields.
  6. Tap on Continue.
  7. Follow the prompts to finish canceling your reservation.

Contacting Sheraton

You can also cancel your reservation by contacting a Sheraton customer service representative directly. You will have to do so by phone, though, as there are no online contact options for Sheraton's customer service.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Cancel My Trip with Sheraton?

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Sheraton Hotels

Asked a year ago
Updated a year ago
Viewed 793,976 times
Sheraton Hotels
cancel Sheraton reservation
cancel Sheraton trip
Sheraton cancellation policy
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