How Do I Get to Refund My Subscription?

If you need to cancel your subscription you can contact the customer support team with these helpful tips.

Nov 18, 2019 makes it possible for you to meet your old classmates that you haven't met in years. You can track them and find their contact information in just a few minutes. MyLife makes it easy for you to tell the difference between people. You can easily identify your old friends. All paid accounts have an activated auto-renewal feature. This means that payments are renewed automatically.

Canceling Your Membership

You may contact the customer support team if you need help canceling your membership. The best way to ask for help from customer care representatives is on the phone. You may contact the customer care representatives from 6 am to 9 pm PST on weekdays and 6 am to 6 pm on weekends. You may also contact them for refunds. When speaking to customer care representatives, they may need you to verify your ownership of the account. Once verification is complete, the representative will cancel your ownership. The auto-renewal feature will be deactivated.

If you are using PayPal

If you make payments for your account using PayPal, you have to contact the customer support team to cancel your subscription. If you do not speak to PayPal's customer support team, they may continue to make payments to your account.

The Unsubscribe Link in Email

The unsubscribe link at the bottom of your email does not cancel your membership. It only stops you from receiving email notifications from If you tried canceling your subscription using the link, you should contact the customer support team for help.

Disabling the Auto-Renewal Feature

Disabling the auto-renewal feature will cancel your subscription. You don't need to search through the website when you want to disable your account. has an auto-renewal feature that is meant to make sure that you can consistently access the services you need.

The procedure of getting a refund from is simple and straightforward. You do not need to invest a lot of your time and effort to get our money back. You simply need to contact members of the customer support team and ask for help. If you can provide proof of your identity and membership, they will cancel your subscription and give you a refund.

Changing Your Premium Membership

Premium memberships are great but you may need to change them. If you feel that you do not need your premium membership anymore, you may change it by contacting members of the customer support team. They will change the information on your membership profile after verifying your identity.

The best way to contact members of the customer support team is on the phone. You will be connected with a representative in less than 15 minutes. When speaking with a representative, try to be polite and provide them with all the information you need. This is the only option if you wish to speak directly with an agent.

Another great way to seek support is through email. You should receive a response in less than 40 hours. This is a good option if you are not in a hurry to get help. You can send your email whenever you want as the email support team is available 24/7.

The help desk is another great option to seek help. It gives you a chance to learn from the experiences of other users. You may get help within 70 hours. The help desk has plenty of targeted tips, reminders, and suggestions that may be helpful. If you are unable to get help from existing conversations, consider starting new ones. Ensure that your question is clear and that the language you use is polite. You will get a response fast.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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Updated 5 years ago
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