How Do I Check My Wind Mobile Warranty?

You can check your Wind Mobile warranty information for your device using the chatbot, call Customer Service or visit a Wind store. You'll need to know your warranty type. If you purchased your phone through Wind Mobile or a Wind-authorized store, your warranty is the manufacturer's warranty. If your phone needs repair or replacement and has a warranty, contact Wind Mobile with your invoice and the serial number.

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Dec 9, 2022

Wind Mobile's warranty is a service that protects your device from damage. You can get it at an affordable rate on a daily, monthly or annual basis. However, you need to consider that the benefits of this warranty are only applicable if you purchase it before your device malfunctions or breaks down for any reason.

To understand more about Wind Mobile warranty service and how you can check its validity. Here are some useful tips:

Open a Chatbot Session With Wind Mobile

To check the warranty on your device, open a chat session with Wind Mobile's chatbot.

To do this:

  • Go to the Wind Mobile website and click Chat With a Rep.
  • Enter your phone number and click Chat Now.

Verify That You Are a Customer

Your phone number is essential for Wind Mobile to verify that you are a current customer and eligible for warranty coverage. To ensure accuracy, you must enter the correct number. If your mobile phone has been stolen or lost, you need to contact the carrier immediately to cancel the service before continuing with this process.

The conversation begins with a brief statement explaining what information Wind Mobile support needs from you. It lets you ask any questions or clarify anything during your chat session.

Enter Your Wind Mobile Phone Number

To check your warranty, enter the phone number you want to verify. The number should be the same as the number listed on your account or in the app. Entering a valid phone number will bring up your devices associated with that account and their current status. Select Continue if everything looks good.

Submit PAC and Port out Request

You need to click on the button Submit PAC and Port Out Request. You will receive a confirmation email with your request number. You can also check the status of your request online by logging in to your Wind account and clicking on My Services.

Enter Your PIN and Email Address

Fill in the required form fields with your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and email address. To enter these details:

  • In the first field, enter your Personal Identification Number or PIN. If you don't know your PIN.
  • In the second field, enter your email address so Wind Mobile can send you an activation receipt if successful.

Enter Contact Information

Wind Mobile needs information about you to fulfill its contract with you and keep you informed of any changes. These include:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Postal code
  • Date of birth
  • IMEI serial number
  • Device serial number

Check Your Wind Mobile Warranty

Once you complete the above steps, you will see a page where you can check your Wind Mobile warranty.

Here are some essential things that you should understand while checking your Wind Mobile warranty:

  • Your Wind Mobile warranty will be valid for the duration of your contract.
  • Check your account online if you're unsure how much time remains on your contract.

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Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
How Do I Check My Wind Mobile Warranty?

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Freedom Mobile

Asked 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Viewed 249,978 times
Freedom Mobile
Check my Wind Mobile warranty
verify your Wind Mobile warranty
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