Wholelifepets.com Customer FAQ

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What is Wholelifepets.com's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Wholelifepets.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Do you have a loyalty program for frequent customers?

Yes, at Wholelifepets.com, we value our loyal customers and are proud to offer a rewarding loyalty program. Our loyalty program is...
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What are the ingredients in your pet food?

At Wholelifepets.com, we are committed to providing the best nutrition for your furry friends. Our pet food is made with high-quality,...


Where is your pet food manufactured?

At Wholelifepets.com, we take pride in transparently sourcing and manufacturing our pet food. Our pet food is proudly manufactured...


Are your pet food products grain-free?

Yes, all of our pet food products at Wholelifepets.com are grain-free. We understand the importance of providing a healthy and balanced...


Do you offer a variety of flavors for your pet food?

Yes, at Wholelifepets.com, we offer a wide variety of flavors for our pet food. We understand that pets can be picky eaters, so we...

Shelf Life

What is the shelf life of your pet food?

The shelf life of our pet food at Wholelifepets.com varies depending on the type of product. Our dry kibble and treats generally have...


Do you offer any discounts or promotions?

Yes, Wholelifepets.com offers discounts and promotions to its customers. We understand the importance of providing affordable options...

Dietary Restrictions

Are your products suitable for pets with specific dietary restrictions?

Yes, our products at Wholelifepets.com are suitable for pets with specific dietary restrictions. We understand that different pets...

Return Policy

Do you have a satisfaction guarantee or return policy?

Yes, at Wholelifepets.com, we have a satisfaction guarantee and return policy in place to ensure our customers are happy with their...


Are your products available for international shipping?

Yes, our products are available for international shipping. At Wholelifepets.com, we understand that pet owners worldwide are looking...

Purchase Options

Can I purchase your products in-store or only online?

At Wholelifepets.com, we are pleased to offer our customers the convenience of purchasing our products both in-store and online. We...

Customer Loyalty

Do you have a loyalty program for frequent customers?

Yes, at Wholelifepets.com, we value our loyal customers and are proud to offer a rewarding loyalty program. Our loyalty program is...

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