
Usimprints.com Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Usimprints.com's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Usimprints.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Do you have a minimum order quantity for custom products?

Yes, we have a minimum order quantity for custom products at Usimprints.com. The minimum order quantity varies depending on the specific...
Ask any question you have about Usimprints.com customer service, get an answer now.

Order Tracking

How can I track my order?

To track your order, simply log in to your account on our website and go to the "Order History" section. From there, you can view the...

About Us

What is Usimprints.com?

Usimprints.com is a leading online platform offering a wide range of customizable promotional products and branded merchandise for...

Custom Orders

Can I get a quote for my custom order?

Yes, you can definitely get a quote for your custom order at Usimprints.com. We understand the importance of providing accurate pricing...

Product Types

What types of products does Usimprints.com offer?

Usimprints.com offers a wide range of promotional products and branded merchandise to suit various marketing needs. Our extensive product...

Shipping Time

How long does it take to receive my order?

At Usimprints.com, we understand the importance of timely delivery. The estimated time it takes to receive your order depends on several...

Rush Orders

Can I place a rush order?

Yes, you can place a rush order with Usimprints.com. We understand that sometimes you may need your promotional products quickly. To...

International Shipping

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping at Usimprints.com. We understand that our customers may be located all around the world, and we...

Return Policy

What is your return policy?

Our return policy at Usimprints.com is designed to ensure customer satisfaction and provide a hassle-free experience. We offer a 100%...

Order Changes

Can I cancel or make changes to my order after it has been placed?

Unfortunately, once an order has been placed on Usimprints.com, it cannot be cancelled or modified. This is because our production...

Payment Methods

What payment methods do you accept?

At Usimprints.com, we offer a variety of convenient payment methods to suit our customers' preferences. We accept all major credit...


Are there any discounts or promotions available?

Yes, at Usimprints.com, we offer various discounts and promotions to help you save money on your custom promotional products. We understand...

Minimum Order Quantity

Do you have a minimum order quantity for custom products?

Yes, we have a minimum order quantity for custom products at Usimprints.com. The minimum order quantity varies depending on the specific...

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