How Do I Check the Status of My Refund with

Whether you prefer using the website, your mobile device, the ticket company's app, or contact customer service over the phone to request a refund, there are several options available to you. All you need to do is read through your email confirmation carefully and ask for help if necessary. Once you receive an email confirming that your refund has been processed, you can expect to see your money back in about a week.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Feb 13, 2024

Telecharge is a ticket sale platform that provides access to events from over 18,000 venues. The company was founded in 1986 and now serves more than five million customers annually. Most customers prefer using the platform due to its vast number of partners and venues. The platform also allows customers to request refunds under different circumstances, including technical problems with the ordering system, changes to an order made after purchase and more. However, many do not know how to track the progress of their refund. If you are one of these customers, you have come to the right place. Here are some tips on how to track your refund.

Use the Website

Customers who prefer telephoning the company may be required to wait for long periods. However, customers can quickly check on their refund using the website. To do so:

  1. Visit and click on the "Log In" button in the top right-hand side corner of your screen.
  2. Enter your username and password before clicking "Login."
  3. Select the order number of your refund. You can find this by looking at the subject line of any emails you may have received regarding the refund or at the bottom of your purchase receipt.
  4. Click "View Order" to check on your status.

Use the Telecharge Mobile App

Customers who prefer using their mobile devices to track refund status can also easily. To download the free app, visit your App Store and search "Telecharge." Then, click on the "Get" button next to Telecharge's logo. Once you enter your login credentials, you can check on your refund order directly from your phone.

Use the Chat Option

Customers who enjoy quick responses to their requests may prefer the online chat option. To use this method, visit and click on the "Chat" button towards the bottom of your screen. Then, enter your username and password before clicking "Login." Next, you can request your refund using the online chat option.

Contact a Representative over the Phone

Customers who prefer using the telephone to make their requests may be required to wait for long periods. However, customers can quickly request refunds by calling customer service. Dial the number in your browser before entering your contact information in the following prompt. Then, you will receive an email confirming that your refund has been processed.

Refunds through a Partner

Telecharge has partnered with other ticket-selling companies such as Ticketmaster and Eventbrite to allow seamless refunds for users. For instance, if you purchased your tickets using or, you can request a refund through their respective sites after logging in. Find the link at the bottom of your ticket purchase confirmation email sent by Eventbrite or Ticketmaster. If you do not receive the email, you can also find it by logging into your Eventbrite account.

Refunds through Credit Card Companies

Customers who purchased their tickets using a credit card may request refunds directly with the credit card company depending on their terms and conditions. Just keep in mind that charges often take several days to appear after events are held; therefore, you may not be able to use this method during short-notice events.

Refunds through Gift Cards

Customers who received their tickets as gifts and did not have the purchase receipt can also request refunds by contacting customer service. State that it was a gift and provide your name and address. Next, you will receive an email confirming that your refund has been processed.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Check the Status of My Refund with

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Tracking refund status with Telecharge
How to track your refund on Telecharge
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