How Do I Update the Information on My Safeway Club Card?

If you have a Safeway Club card, you can enjoy a lot of benefits from the store especially sales and discounts. You can always update the information on the card. You can either do so online or physically at a Safeway store. Call customer service for help with any trouble updating your information.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 28, 2020

A Safeway Club Card is a loyalty program card that allows you to save up to 20% from your Safeway purchases. The card is crucial for anyone who wants to partake in the sales offered by Safeway.

It is very easy to acquire a Safeway card. All you need to do is to talk to a customer service agent at a Safeway store then you will be requested to fill an application form.

Better yet, you can get the card at the store and complete filling the application form online from the comfort of your own home. If you don't like carrying a physical card around, there is a Safeway app you can use instead.

The Safeway Club card has to be with you for you to enjoy its benefits. As soon as the card is swiped at the checkout counter, all the discounts available to your card will be granted to you.

Register with Safeway Card

As stated above, registering your Safeway card is as simple as filling out the application form at your local Safeway branch. On the other hand, most people prefer to do it online since it is hassle and cost free.

The process of registering your Safeway card online is as follows:

1. Launch your web browser

2. Open the Safeway website

3. Click the 'Registration' link on the homepage and you will be redirected to the registration site with the online registration form

4. You will be asked to fill the form with details such as your names, phone number and card number. You can still register for an account if you do not have the card by submitting your email address and password

5. Check the box to agree to the terms of use and privacy policy agreement

6. Click 'Submit' to send the application.

Benefits of Having a Safeway Card

There are many benefits to having a Safeway Club card in addition to the numerous sales opportunities.

You also accumulate points whenever you use the card at a store. You can use the points for several things for example getting discounts at the gas station. You should keep in mind that these points do expire so you should utilize them when they are still valid.

Another significant benefit is the coupons that you can get from the Coupon Centre on Safeway's website. The coupons will help you save even more when you are shopping. All you need to do after getting the coupons is to swipe your card at a store.

With the Safeway Club card, you also get 'personalized deals' whenever you shop online using the card.

To keep enjoying the benefits of the Safeway Club Card, you will have to upgrade your card before it expires. You will also not lose all the accumulated points when the card expires.

You can upgrade your Safeway Club card through the following process:

1. Launch your preferred web browser

2. Open the Safeway website

3. Log in to your account

4. Go to the Safeway support page

5. Click 'update card information'

6. Enter the old information in your card

7. Enter your new card information

8. Click 'Submit' to effect the change.

You should also know that you can update your Safeway Club Card at your local store. Speak to the customer service agent and they will be happy to help you through the entire process.

If you have trouble updating the card online, you should also reach out to Safeway customer service. You can reach them via phone. To obtain the Safeway customer service number, please visit GetHuman.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Update the Information on My Safeway Club Card?

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Update information Safeway club card
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