New York State Education Department, Teaching Certification Customer FAQ

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What is New York State Education Department, Teaching Certification's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to New York State Education Department, Teaching Certification customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I teach in New York City with a teaching certification from New York State?

Yes, you can teach in New York City with a teaching certification from New York State. The certification requirements are the same...
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What are the requirements to become a certified teacher in New York State?

To become a certified teacher in New York State, there are several requirements that need to be fulfilled. First, candidates must hold...

Processing Time

How long does it take to process a teaching certification application?

The time to process a teaching certification application varies depending on several factors. Generally, it takes approximately 12-16...


What tests do I need to pass for obtaining a teaching certification in New York State?

To obtain a teaching certification in New York State, you must pass several tests. The required exams include the Educating All Students...


Is there a fee for applying for a teaching certification in New York State?

Yes, there is a fee for applying for a teaching certification in New York State. The fee is required to cover the processing and evaluation...

Certification Eligibility

Can I teach in New York State without a teaching certification?

No, you cannot teach in New York State without a teaching certification. According to the New York State Education Department, all...

Certification Transfer

Can I transfer my teaching certification from another state to New York State?

Yes, it is possible to transfer a teaching certification from another state to New York State. However, the process and requirements...

Certificate Types

What types of teaching certificates are available in New York State?

In New York State, there are several types of teaching certificates available. These include the Initial Certificate, which is the...

Education Level

Do I need a master's degree to become a certified teacher in New York State?

No, you do not need a master's degree to become a certified teacher in New York State. The basic requirement for teacher certification...

Alternative Routes

Are there alternative routes to obtaining a teaching certification in New York State?

Yes, there are alternative routes to obtaining a teaching certification in New York State. The New York State Education Department...

Teaching in NYC

Can I teach in New York City with a teaching certification from New York State?

Yes, you can teach in New York City with a teaching certification from New York State. The certification requirements are the same...

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