New York Review of Books Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is New York Review of Books's Phone Number?

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Is the New York Review of Books available internationally?

Yes, the New York Review of Books is available internationally. Readers from all around the world can access and subscribe to the publication...
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Content Types

What types of content does the New York Review of Books publish?

The New York Review of Books publishes a wide range of content that caters to literary enthusiasts and intellectuals. Known for its...

Publication Frequency

How often is the New York Review of Books published?

The New York Review of Books is published every two weeks. Established in 1963, this esteemed publication offers thoughtful and in-depth...

Online Access

Can I access the New York Review of Books online?

Yes, you can access the New York Review of Books online. As a subscriber, you gain unlimited digital access to all articles, essays,...

Subscription Cost

What is the cost of a subscription to the New York Review of Books?

The cost of a subscription to the New York Review of Books varies depending on the location and type of subscription. For readers in...

Digital Edition

Is there a digital edition available for the New York Review of Books?

Yes, there is a digital edition available for the New York Review of Books. The NYRB digital edition provides online access to the...


Are there discounts available for students or educators?

Yes, the New York Review of Books offers discounts for both students and educators. Students can enjoy a discounted rate for both the...

Payment Methods

What are the available payment methods for a subscription?

We offer a variety of convenient payment methods for subscribing to the New York Review of Books. You can choose to pay with major...

Gift Subscription

Can I gift a subscription to someone else?

Yes, you can definitely gift a subscription to someone else! The New York Review of Books offers the option to give the gift of its...

International Availability

Is the New York Review of Books available internationally?

Yes, the New York Review of Books is available internationally. Readers from all around the world can access and subscribe to the publication...

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