Can I customize the trackpad gestures on my Mac?

Asked a year ago
Yes, you can customize the trackpad gestures on your Mac. macOS offers a range of options to tailor the trackpad gestures according to your preferences. To access these settings, open the System Preferences on your Mac and click on the "Trackpad" option. Here, you will find a variety of gestures that you can customize. These gestures include swiping between pages, app exposé, launching Mission Control, and more. By selecting each gesture, you can modify its behavior or assign different actions to it. Additionally, you can adjust the sensitivity of the trackpad, enable tap to click, and configure scrolling options. The ability to customize trackpad gestures allows you to optimize its functionality and create a personalized experience that suits your needs and workflow.
Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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