
LiveJournal.com Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

How do I Contact LiveJournal.com Customer Service?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to LiveJournal.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Are there any mobile apps for LiveJournal?

Yes, LiveJournal offers mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices. These apps allow you to access your LiveJournal account and post...
Ask any question you have about LiveJournal.com customer service, get an answer now.


What is LiveJournal?

LiveJournal is a popular online community and blogging platform that allows users to create and maintain personal blogs or journals....


Can I use LiveJournal for free?

Yes, LiveJournal can be used for free. Users have the option to create a basic account without any charges. This allows individuals...

Media Upload

Can I upload pictures and videos to my LiveJournal?

Yes, you can easily upload both pictures and videos to your LiveJournal account. LiveJournal provides a user-friendly interface allowing...

Privacy Settings

What privacy settings are available on LiveJournal?

LiveJournal offers a range of privacy settings to ensure users have control over their privacy. Users can set their journal to be either...

Importing Blogs

Can I import my blog from another platform to LiveJournal?

Yes, you can easily import your blog from another platform to LiveJournal. LiveJournal offers a convenient and seamless process for...

Mobile Apps

Are there any mobile apps for LiveJournal?

Yes, LiveJournal offers mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices. These apps allow you to access your LiveJournal account and post...

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Ask any question you have about LiveJournal.com customer service. We will do our best to get you answers right away.
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