Lennar Corporation Customer FAQ

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What is Lennar Corporation's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Lennar Corporation customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does Lennar provide assistance with selling my current home?

Yes, Lennar offers assistance with selling your current home to make the process more convenient for you. We have a program called...
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Company Overview

What is Lennar Corporation?

Lennar Corporation is a renowned residential construction company based in the United States. With a rich history dating back to 1954,...


How long has Lennar Corporation been in business?

Lennar Corporation has been in business for over 65 years. Founded in 1954, Lennar has grown to become one of the leading residential...

Home Types

What types of homes does Lennar Corporation build?

Lennar Corporation specializes in building a wide range of homes to cater to diverse needs and tastes. Our extensive portfolio includes...


Where does Lennar Corporation build their homes?

Lennar Corporation builds their homes in various locations across the United States. With over 50 years of experience, they have established...


Can I customize the features of my Lennar home?

Yes, you can customize the features of your Lennar home. Lennar offers a variety of customization options to suit your personal preferences...


What financing options does Lennar Corporation offer?

Lennar Corporation offers a range of financing options to help homebuyers achieve their dream of homeownership. These options include...


What is Lennar's warranty policy for their homes?

Lennar Corporation offers a comprehensive warranty policy for their homes. Upon purchase, customers receive a one-year workmanship...


Does Lennar offer any incentives or promotions for homebuyers?

Yes, Lennar Corporation offers a variety of incentives and promotions for homebuyers. We understand the importance of finding the perfect...

Energy Efficiency

Does Lennar Corporation have any energy-efficient home options?

Yes, Lennar Corporation offers a range of energy-efficient home options. As a leading homebuilder, we prioritize sustainability and...

Return Policy

What is Lennar Corporation's return policy for homebuyers?

Lennar Corporation offers a comprehensive return policy for homebuyers. If a buyer is not satisfied with their home purchase, they...

Selling Assistance

Does Lennar provide assistance with selling my current home?

Yes, Lennar offers assistance with selling your current home to make the process more convenient for you. We have a program called...

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