
Legg Mason Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Legg Mason's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Legg Mason customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I transfer my existing investments to a Legg Mason account?

Yes, you can transfer your existing investments to a Legg Mason account. Legg Mason offers a straightforward and seamless process for...

Does Legg Mason offer any educational resources or tools for investors?

Yes, Legg Mason provides a range of educational resources and tools to help investors make informed decisions. They offer a comprehensive...
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What is Legg Mason?

Legg Mason is a globally renowned asset management firm, committed to helping individuals and institutions achieve their financial...


What services does Legg Mason offer?

Legg Mason offers a comprehensive range of investment services to individuals, financial advisors, and institutional investors. These...

Investment Products

What types of investment products does Legg Mason offer?

Legg Mason offers a wide range of investment products to meet the diverse needs of investors. These include mutual funds, exchange-traded...


What is the minimum investment required to start investing with Legg Mason?

The minimum investment required to start investing with Legg Mason varies depending on the funds or strategies chosen. The specific...

Fees and Expenses

What are the fees and expenses associated with Legg Mason's investment products?

The fees and expenses associated with Legg Mason's investment products vary depending on the specific product and investment strategy....


Can I transfer my existing investments to a Legg Mason account?

Yes, you can transfer your existing investments to a Legg Mason account. Legg Mason offers a straightforward and seamless process for...

Tax Implications

What are the tax implications of investing with Legg Mason?

Investing with Legg Mason involves tax implications that should be considered. As a shareholder, you may be subject to taxes on dividends,...

Educational Resources

Does Legg Mason offer any educational resources or tools for investors?

Yes, Legg Mason provides a range of educational resources and tools to help investors make informed decisions. They offer a comprehensive...

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