What is the L-R-G loyalty program?
The L-R-G loyalty program is our way of showing appreciation to our valued customers. By becoming a loyalty member, you gain access to exclusive benefits and rewards. As a member, you earn points for every purchase made on L-r-g.com, which can be redeemed for discounts on future orders. In addition, loyalty members receive early access to new collections, exclusive promotions, and limited-edition products. The program also offers birthday surprises, giving you an extra reason to celebrate. It's simple to join the L-R-G loyalty program – just create an account on our website and start earning points with every purchase. Stay connected with L-R-G and enjoy the perks of being a valued member of our community.
![Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.](https://gethuman.com/dist/img/adam-headshot-96.png)
Answered May 3, 2024
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