
Hoovers Customer FAQ

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What is Hoovers's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Hoovers customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Do Hoovers feature adjustable suction power?

Yes, Hoovers feature adjustable suction power. Our range of vacuum cleaners are designed to cater to different cleaning needs and surfaces....
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Warranty and Returns

What is the warranty period for Hoovers?

The warranty period for Hoovers varies depending on the specific model and type of vacuum cleaner purchased. Generally, most Hoover...

Can I return a Hoover if I am not satisfied with my purchase?

Yes, Hoover does offer a return policy for customers who are not satisfied with their purchase. If you are not completely happy with...

Replacement Parts

Are the replacement parts easily available for Hoovers?

Yes, replacement parts for Hoovers are readily available for purchase. Hoovers understands that over time, certain components of their...


How often should I clean or replace the filters in my Hoover?

The frequency at which you clean or replace the filters in your Hoover depends on various factors such as usage, environment, and the...

What is the average lifespan of a Hoover?

The average lifespan of a Hoover vacuum cleaner varies depending on several factors, including usage frequency, maintenance, and model...

Variety of Models

Are there different models and sizes available for Hoovers?

Yes, Hoovers offers a wide range of models and sizes to cater to different cleaning needs. Whether you require a compact and lightweight...

Floor Compatibility

Are Hoovers suitable for both carpeted and hardwood floors?

Yes, Hoovers are indeed suitable for both carpeted and hardwood floors. Our range of vacuum cleaners is designed to effectively clean...


Do Hoovers come with attachments for cleaning upholstery and stairs?

Yes, Hoovers are equipped with attachments specifically designed for cleaning upholstery and stairs. These attachments allow for efficient...

Noise Level

What is the noise level of Hoovers?

The noise level of Hoovers varies depending on the model and technology used. Hoover strives to prioritize customer satisfaction by...

Pet Hair

Can I use my Hoover on pet hair?

Yes, you can use your Hoover on pet hair. Hoovers offers various models that are specifically designed to tackle pet hair and dander....

Bagging System

Are Hoovers bagged or bagless?

Hoovers offers both bagged and bagless options to suit different cleaning preferences. Bagged models come with disposable bags that...

Suction Power

Do Hoovers feature adjustable suction power?

Yes, Hoovers feature adjustable suction power. Our range of vacuum cleaners are designed to cater to different cleaning needs and surfaces....

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