
History.com Customer FAQ

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How do I Contact History.com Customer Service?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to History.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What is the historical accuracy of the content on History.com?

History.com strives to ensure the highest possible level of historical accuracy in its content. Our team of expert historians, researchers,...
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What is History.com?

History.com is a comprehensive online platform that serves as a one-stop destination for all things history. It offers a vast array...

What type of content does History.com provide?

History.com provides a wide range of content, catering to enthusiasts and scholars alike. Visitors can explore an extensive library...


Can I watch full episodes of History shows on History.com?

Yes, you can watch full episodes of History shows on History.com. History.com offers a wide range of full episodes from popular History...

Can I access History.com internationally?

Yes, you can access History.com internationally. History.com is available to viewers around the world, offering a wide range of historical...


Are there any subscription fees associated with using History.com?

No, there are no subscription fees associated with using History.com. History.com provides free access to a wide range of historical...


Is History.com available in other languages?

No, History.com is currently only available in English. However, some articles and features may be translated into other languages...

Mobile Apps

Are there any mobile apps available for History.com?

Yes, History.com offers a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. The app allows users to access a wealth of historical content...


Is History.com a reliable source for historical information?

Yes, History.com is a highly reliable source for historical information. As the official website of the HISTORY channel, it serves...

What is the historical accuracy of the content on History.com?

History.com strives to ensure the highest possible level of historical accuracy in its content. Our team of expert historians, researchers,...

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