How Do I Check My Unemployment Benefits with the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations?

Learn how to quickly file for unemployment benefits with the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 28, 2020

The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) is a state agency that runs programs designed to help the community. The Hawaii DLIR is made up of 7 divisions and 8 attached agencies. The programs run by the agency help increase the economic stability of Hawaii, as well as increase physical and economic well-being, the productivity of workers, and helps to achieve good labor-management relations (including facilitating workers' compensation, employment security, apprenticeship training, hourly wage, and industrial relations laws.)

If you have recently lost your job, you can file for unemployment benefits with the Hawaii DLIR. Keep reading for a breakdown on how to do so.

Submit An Application For Unemployment Benefits Online

  1. Go to
  2. On the right-hand panel, select ‘File a Claim Online.'
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select ‘For New Claims, Please Complete This Form.'
  4. Submit all the necessary information and select ‘Submit My Initial Claim.'
  5. You will receive an email confirmation that your application has been submitted. Note that it can take several business days before you hear back if your claim has been approved or denied.

Call Into The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations' Customer Support

If you're having difficulties with your online application, you can also call into the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations' customer support team. Explain that you're having difficulties with the online application process and the customer service representative will either help you troubleshoot or complete an application for you over the phone.

Have all of your relevant information handy to provide to the customer service representative over the phone. Once the application is complete, ask the agent to send you a confirmation email of your application. Keep the agent on the line until you receive the email and have a chance to review it.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Check My Unemployment Benefits with the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations?

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Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations - Unemployment Insurance

Asked 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago
Viewed 1,812,796 times
Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations - Unemployment Insurance
UI Hawaii DLIR
Unemployment benefits Hawaii DLIR
File unemployment claim Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
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