How Do I Check the Status of My Unemployment Claim with the Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims?

This article will detail how you can file your unemployment claim with the Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims and successfully check the status of your claim.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 28, 2020

How do I check the status of my unemployment claim with the Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims?

When you end up becoming unemployed it can cause a difficult time in life for you and your family. The thought alone of a steady income that you've once become accustomed to suddenly leaving can be enough to make you panic but don't. Like many other people who were fired or lost their job due to circumstances that may have been out of their control, you too have the option of filing an unemployment claim with the Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims to begin receiving unemployment benefits. The process is simple and can be completed in a matter of minutes if you follow the steps correctly.

Filing an Unemployment Claim

Of course the first step you want to take if understanding your situation and if it will apply to you being qualified for unemployment benefits. If you aren't sure you can go online and check out the eligibility list but keep in mind that it doesn't automatically qualify you, but if you still aren't sure then you can proceed to the next step of filing out the necessary information needed on the unemployment claim online. Once this claim has been submitted then you will have to wit for a decision to be made determining whether or not you will be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. If you are found eligible the information that you provided will also be used to determine how much unemployment benefit you will be eligible to receive.

Be aware that if you a re found eligible the first week after you apply will be considered a waiting week. What this means is that you will not receive any unemployment benefits during the first week.

Checking Your Unemployment Claim Status

While you are waiting you do have the option to check you unemployment claim status online. The process is simple, first you'll want to go online and log in to your account with the Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims. You will do this by entering your social security number and the PIN number you created when you first created your account. Once you click log in you will have access to checking your unemployment claim status online. If you seek further assistance or have questions you can reach out to the Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Check the Status of My Unemployment Claim with the Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims?

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Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims

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Updated 4 years ago
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Georgia Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Claims
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